New Paris Hilton Sex Tape!


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I wonder if she's high in it?
Does anyone really care, the woman was finally losing some publicity, well to me anyway. :dunno: I was definitely seeing her less on TV anyway so lets leave it at that! Anyone smell the stale funk of a publicity stunt in this one?


Closed Account
She has some new show coming out in the UK. Maybe she's trying to get some attention (again) for something benign again.

The only thing that I'd watch Paris in on TV, would be a skip with Jordan to see who will bitch and kill each other first. And once the winner had been declared, I'd drop a lion in there.
^^^ That's what publicists are for. ^^^

This story is just another lame ploy at keeping this fucking dimwit in the news. :thefinger
Maybe I'm all alone here when I say, Paris, just go away!!! :thefinger
Maybe I'm all alone here when I say, Paris, just go away!!! :thefinger

You're not the only one. I hate her with a passion. She is totally untalented and not any where near as hot as some say she is. I don't care how many pornos are out there of hers, I still won't like her! :mad:


knows petras secret: she farted.
heres the deal with me.

i dont watch her shit. at all. i despise mtv, i despise hollywood gossip shows, and i hardly watch tv. hell, i just discontinued cable. so i dont see her all day on stupid shows, i dont hear the celebrity gossip or the mtv gay news updates.

to me, shes some hot blonde chick with style. i think shes really fucking hot. i just happened to stay away from tabloid garbage which totally helps appreciate the girl and not the crap.
Does anyone really care, the woman was finally losing some publicity, well to me anyway. :dunno: I was definitely seeing her less on TV anyway so lets leave it at that! Anyone smell the stale funk of a publicity stunt in this one?

You're damn right!:thumbsup:
she's too scrawny and not that pretty. i'd give her a 4.
sex tape?... more like horror tape...


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Still waiting for the previous ten sex tapes to come out. Whatever happened to the lesbian sex tape? What about the stuff released from her apartment that was repo'ed? Friggin' hell I've been waiting for a DECENT sex tape for years, now. That first one was alright but nothing special. Time to release the next few, ya know.. reclaim some public eye that's been taken from you, Miss Hilton. You're not in movies, you're not selling a product.. for fuck's sake make some bank on what you do have, wankability!!!
Paris looks like a better cock sucker than Keeley Hazell. When judging each of their videos.

And in my eyes the woman good at sucking cock is the winner. This just goes to show that big tits isn't everything, so ha ha Hazell.

Go Paris :blowjob: