New Orleans - Modern Day Babylon?

We (the United States) just make those products. No one FORCES non-Americans to consume them. It's called economic freedom and choice...

People bitch about how evil Coca-Cola and McDonald's are, for example, but I don't see those companies' stock values going down at all -- people the world over are buying those products like they're going out of style!

So put THAT in your pipe and smoke it! LOL! (MDR for you, 9")

;) :D :thefinger

Now let's get back to hurricane/flood discussion... :(

9inch said:
...USA should firstly take care of the 300.000.000 american people before planning to impose american life style (coca & fat food & god save the USA...) everywhere in the world...

just my cents, don't blame me for my -relative- liberty of thinking :thefinger
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i like how this has come down to a discussion of politics and religion.

juballs said:
they figured screw it , whats the difference between this hurricane and the last 5 that did nothing.
that kind of reminds me of every time a tornado came through when i was growing up, it happened so many times that you just didn't really worry about it after a while. you never know when the big one is going to come and cause major damage though. there's one time in particular i remember when i was in college and everyone was hanging out in the basement tunnels of the dorms and people were freaking out. all i could think was," geez, can i leave yet? what's the big deal?"
I think that anyone seen looting, should just be left where they are..
Well, if they prize material possessions over anything else, then let them stay there in the stinking water-logged houses to see where it leaves them...
That new Tv they have stolen will be useless without electricity.
Rescue the REAL needy, those who have NO possessions.
Let the looters rot in their stinking watery 'goldmine'.

That's my :2 cents:
juballs said:
now i am not at all saying this catastrophe could not have been averted, but i believe that the gov. should take some of the blame

Yes, the local and State governments. But both are democratic, so I doubt you'll hear or see the media do that.


Closed Account
Just you wait. Just you watch. Quote me on this. New Orleans will rise even higher then it once was.

It's not the Americans or the rest of the pop. of Earth, who is holding back N.O.'s recovery. It's the media feeding us only what they want, and the age old struggle between too political parties. If the god dammed Democrats and Republicans, just worked toghther for ONCE this would be a non-issue.

No offense to either Nightfly or Jizm; but your bickering on the last page, although a laugh riot! :D , was unproductive and a perfect metophor for this situation. The Local & State gov arguing with The Feds, very unproductive and decisivly un-funny, and while they bicker like school children people are dying. I think EVERYBODY, Demo or Repub get's the boot, and we vote in some competent Mofo's.

Am I the only one who is just utterly baffled by this whole situation?
juballs said:
lol this is getting into quite the shouting match and i must try and support nightfly here.

he is simply saying that the events that have occured in both Babylon and New Orleans are similar.

he is simply saying that babylon was burned to the ground and new orleans was demolished by the force of waves and turrential winds and rain.

i see no comparison to any biblical figures or anything to that amount.

who cares what god nightfly prays to, its times like these that people must unite for a common cause. Much like we did during the tsunami. people of any culture and race donated millions to the relief fund without anyone questioning, only the simple message of "do what you can and pray for the people that have been affected by this tragedy".
now whether your god is Muhammed, God, Isaiah, Moses, hell even Wayne Gretzky, hes just saying that pray for those who have been devestated. A simple thread that brought so many thoughts forward should not become a thread that persecutes or questions anyones belief in a supreme being, only to unite and pray for those who have been affected

Who cares what God Nightfly prays to?!?!? Well good, let's just pick a god and pray to it. I'm sure in the end this god of ours will help. Cmon now. Really.... Juballs, to think you can suggest to just pray to any "god" and expect a resonse or answer/solution is very disturbing to me. I think there's a golden calf in your backyard with your name on it. Let me know when it does a damn thing for you. In the end, you will have to answer to one God. I suggest you choose wisely.
Juballs I'm going to pray to you to fix the disaster in new Orleans cause guess what,! your my new God?!?! . This is your solution? Pick a God and pray? That's disgusting and absolutely disturbing.
Jizm said:
Who cares what God Nightfly prays to?!?!? Well good, let's just pick a god and pray to it. I'm sure in the end this god of ours will help. Cmon now. Really.... Juballs, to think you can suggest to just pray to any "god" and expect a resonse or answer/solution is very disturbing to me. I think there's a golden calf in your backyard with your name on it. Let me know when it does a damn thing for you. In the end, you will have to answer to one God. I suggest you choose wisely.
Juballs I'm going to pray to you to fix the disaster in new Orleans cause guess what,! your my new God?!?! . This is your solution? Pick a God and pray? That's disgusting and absolutely disturbing.

I was going to give a long response to this, but after I wrote most of it I though I would keep it simple. Sometimes it is the thought that counts. It might not mean much to you, but I find comfort in the fact that somebody else would actually care enough to take time and pray for me, even if they worship a different god. For me that is a lot of what it is about. It isn't because I expect or think I am entitled to divine intervention.
D-rock said:
I was going to give a long response to this, but after I wrote most of it I though I would keep it simple. Sometimes it is the thought that counts. It might not mean much to you, but I find comfort in the fact that somebody else would actually care enough to take time and pray for me, even if they worship a different god. For me that is a lot of what it is about. It isn't because I expect or think I am entitled to divine intervention.
I would not appreciate a hindu or scientologist praying to thier god for me. It would sadden me as the very religions do. The thought of caring is a cute idea. But crying to a false idol is about as good as banging your head against a wall and expecting a miracle. If anything, I would advise those with pity in thier hearts, to do everything they can to seek the truth and find God. You don't need or would expect divine intervention for that. But maybe worshiping a tree would be better, right Juballs? It sucks being dead wrong. Guess maybe that's why grace is there for us.
D-rock said:
I was going to give a long response to this, but after I wrote most of it I though I would keep it simple. Sometimes it is the thought that counts. It might not mean much to you, but I find comfort in the fact that somebody else would actually care enough to take time and pray for me, even if they worship a different god. For me that is a lot of what it is about. It isn't because I expect or think I am entitled to divine intervention.
Good works and good intentions do not save souls.


For those that 'finding God' genuinely helps them - and they don't try to ram it down anyone else's throat; then I think religion is great. Not because they are 'saved' - that to me is a notion that has never been proven to even the slightest extent as far as I am concerned. But it is good if it makes them feel like they are loved. That is cool to me.

But this bickering back and forth about religion is a very small example of why I say that:

Except for those that need the love that having a 'God' in their life brings to them; religion is a complete and total waste of time. Religion has caused millions more deaths then it has ever factually saved.

As for New Orleans being the modern day Babylon. I do not personally see the connection. Babylon was abandoned I read. But maybe it was flooded at some point.
And I do not see a similarity between the two cities in any other way. Or maybe it is a metaphor.
Nope. I don't get that one.

I will say that what happened to the people in the Superdome and the convention centre (murdered, robbed, beaten and even raped) certainly shows that America, despite it's great wealth, has left ALOT of people behind.
Despite ALL that money; SO many Americans are miserable. There is something definitely wrong with the American way of life. Oh, there always was; but events like these just bring it to the surface for all to see.
Because imo, Americans are very good at many things. But one of them also (imo) is living in relative denial.

Who is to blame for this? I do not know. FEMA for not responding sooner? Sure. The local and state politicians for not strengthening the dykes years ago? Sure. The voters who realized this could happen and trusted their politicians to fix it? Yes, partly.
Basically everybody who could do something and didn't are to blame. That doesn't leave many left. Just the poor who were too busy just trying to survive to care about a dyke system. Oh, that's right. No need to worry about them - many are floating down the streets in the filthy waters of New Orleans. Dead people can't complain. Or vote.
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Good post, mcrocket. Despite the fact that I disagree with you on some of the things you said, I enjoyed reading your post and considering your opinions. :hatsoff: :nanner:


It's good to be the king...
Hmm...I know I'm a late-comer on this debate, but my two cents mainly concerns the comments by djsnafu, or to be specific:
I think you also have to ask yourself what kind of idiots build a major city below sea level anyway? Were they Dutch??

No. They were the same kind of "idiots" who built London probably for the same reason - easy access to a waterway. London is in the same situation as N.O. We also face rising sea levels and London is sinking into the clay it was built on. It is only a matter of time in the future before a storm surge tide from the North Sea will overcome London's defences. Refer following link:


Nightfly said:
Good post, mcrocket. Despite the fact that I disagree with you on some of the things you said, I enjoyed reading your post and considering your opinions. :hatsoff: :nanner:

Thanks, but what do you disagree with? I doubt you will tell me - I know you like things to be rather harmonious, but I would like to know just the same. I can only learn through being critiqued. :)

Good thread btw (imo). But what was the Babylon comparison? I don't get that part. Wouldn't be the first thing to go over my head.
Thanks for the kind words, mcrocket. Much appreciated.

I explained the Babylon metaphor before. I was referring to a city in ruins. Maybe I should have used Atlantis or something else instead. lol

Yes, you're right. I prefer harmony over dissonance (unless it's shoegazing rock music from the '90s lol). You and I can go back and forth in a thread for pages, and I don't want this one to be like past threads where you and I have done that. lol :) Cheers! :nanner: :hatsoff:

mcrocket said:
Thanks, but what do you disagree with? I doubt you will tell me - I know you like things to be rather harmonious, but I would like to know just the same. I can only learn through being critiqued. :)

Good thread btw (imo). But what was the Babylon comparison? I don't get that part. Wouldn't be the first thing to go over my head.


Like I typed...I did not think you would.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Sometimes people too.
Well the sytem of living in U.S.A is everyone for his own ass. It is a completely different system that the one you find in Canada or in Europe. Some social classes are more favored than others, yes that is true and none can deny it. Some laws don't help poorer people to have a correct life. Also the scholar system in U.S.A is far to be the best and often problems come from here because in some suburbs schools have not the same quality of teaching than in others.The justice system is also not the best but perfection is not from this world. For having harmony, you must have discipline and strict abiding of the rules with zero tolerance for criminals.
Discipline has never been bad, some people think that discipline is a mistake, they are mistaking. Like the french talk says :"La liberté des uns commence là ou s'arrête celle des autres." which is translated in English "Freedom of ones stops where begins those of others" is true.
Want it or not, I noticed that some people are more undisciplined, unpolite than before and it is not a good thing. Some children don't even say thanks and don't even apologize when they push someone. How do you want to have harmony with people ignoring existance of rules and at least having a basic minimum of education and politeness? It is impossible unless you leave in wonderland and are blind. Be realistic and see how some young people behave.
I think Full Metal Jacket alike sergeants instead of teachers are needed.
The system where you have too much tolerance and forgiveness for bad attitudes and behaviours has shown clearly its limits.
It is time to put the system in question.


Nightfly said:
djsnafu, Dutch people built on what land they lived on/live on still, but in the case of New Orleans, the "below sea-level" situation was man-made and has proven to be catastrophic.

Just a suggestion: Please get your info. straight before you start insulting Dutch people! Sorry, but you hit a nerve with me by insulting the Dutch. I'm not normally so terse, but I have many Dutch friends (and this board is Dutch as well!). lol

My apologies in advance if I've offended you. :hatsoff:

So where were we again in this discussion? :nanner:

I am not sure where you or others took offense to his/her comment. In terms of building dykes, the Dutch have proven over the years that they can be idiots. Time and again they have stated that their dykes will hold. And every so often they are proved hugely mistaken. When you make mistakes of that magnitude, you quite rightly open yourself up for criticism.
And besides, he did not say Dutch ARE idiots. I took what he/she meant as the Dutch have done some idioitic things with their dyke system in the past; and those that run New Orleans have done the same now. That is not a condemnation of all Dutch. Just those in charge of the dyke system over the years.
georges said:
Well the sytem of living in U.S.A is everyone for his own ass. It is a completely different system that the one you find in Canada or in Europe. Some social classes are more favored than others, yes that is true and none can deny it. Some laws don't help poorer people to have a correct life. Also the scholar system in U.S.A is far to be the best and often problems come from here because in some suburbs schools have not the same quality of teaching than in others.The justice system is also not the best but perfection is not from this world. For having harmony, you must have discipline and strict abiding of the rules with zero tolerance for criminals.
Discipline has never been bad, some people think that discipline is a mistake, they are mistaking. Like the french talk says :"La liberté des uns commence là ou s'arrête celle des autres." which is translated in English "Freedom of ones stops where begins those of others" is true.[...]
It is time to put the system in question.
I can't agree on this, but will not say more to don't turn this thread in a debate on the death sentence :o

for me, america, despite all its drawbacks stay the n°1 country in the porn business, that's mainly why I can't deny it :)