New Orleans - Modern Day Babylon?

x4g63x said:
L.A., San Fransico, and all of Southern California should not have been built. The San Andreas fault is too close.

Not to mention the fact a lot of it is in a desert. Which I wouldn’t mind except that they will want to keep funneling water to it so people can keep filling their swimming pools.

It is impossible to know where the next big earthquake will hit. They couldn't leave all of Southern California unpopulated. The expected loss of live will not be as big either. Well, until the really big earthquake hits and everybody in a highrise bites it that is.
What the hell are you talking about, Jizm? A person cannot believe in God AND be a porn fan, or work in porn?

For goodness' sake (and for the last time), the Babylon reference (as I explained before) was for a city covered in water. Why does everyone think it's a Sodom and Gomorrah reference? They're two totally different references...


To continue in the vein of the thread, I see that the mayor of New Orleans is giving last warnings before doing forced evacuations of the city. Wow! It's really happening...

Jizm said:
Pray to who Nightfly? God? What God do you believe in? The one who thinks porn is sin? Pray what now?
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Nightfly said:
What the hell are you talking about, Jizm? A person cannot believe in God AND be a porn fan, or work in porn?

For goodness' sake (and for the last time), the Babylon reference (as I explained before) was for a city covered in water. Why does everyone think it's a Sodom and Gomorrah reference? They're two totally different references...


To continue in the vein of the thread, I see that the mayor of New Orleans is giving last warnings before doing forced evacuations of the city. Wow! It's really happening...
They can believe and work all they want. But tell me one verse in the bible where that sort of behaviour is permitted and/or promoted. Cmon fly, even your biblically educated friends in Texas know better then that. Please. I don't know what God you worship. If it's a Christian God bring in your Q guns and let em fire. I'll take anything you or the rest of you got with good decent and patient discussion. Get real with him (God). Face it. :hatsoff:
You can run, but you can't hide. Dude, seriously though, apply for a job with cnn. - I think it would benefit. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to type in
I'm very interested in reading Qball's reply, Jizm... He'll certainly have something to say about your post!

As to your comment about getting right with God and porn, well, some of the biggest pervs I know are devout Christians, and many are gay or bisexual (many are priests or other clergy, but closeted about their sexual orientation [imagine that]). We'll need to start a new thread for that topic! LOL! :D

Thanks for the CNN comment. I'm not applying to work with them, though. They don't pay talent too well, word has it, and they fire people too often. lol
Nightfly said:
I'm very interested in reading Qball's reply, Jizm... He'll certainly have something to say about your post!

As to your comment about getting right with God and porn, well, some of the biggest pervs I know are devout Christians, and many are gay or bisexual (many are priests or other clergy, but closeted about their sexual orientation [imagine that]). We'll need to start a new thread for that topic! LOL! :D

Thanks for the CNN comment. I'm not applying to work with them, though. They don't pay talent too well, word has it, and they fire people too often. lol
Hey man - no harsh feelings. Just sayin.... Cheers :glugglug: :hatsoff:
Nightfly said:
I'm very interested in reading Qball's reply, Jizm... He'll certainly have something to say about your post!

As to your comment about getting right with God and porn, well, some of the biggest pervs I know are devout Christians, and many are gay or bisexual (many are priests or other clergy, but closeted about their sexual orientation [imagine that]). We'll need to start a new thread for that topic! LOL! :D

Thanks for the CNN comment. I'm not applying to work with them, though. They don't pay talent too well, word has it, and they fire people too often. lol
I look forward to it myself. Let's see it. Cheers. :hatsoff:


Staff member
Well it seems that there is a real doom in NO.There are even soldiers for trying to keep order and rescue people. Hope all will get in order.
well, I think you have to ask yourself how much notice Bush took of the scientific warnings in the years leading up to this didaster and how much money he allocated to the defence of New Orleans and how much he pumped into his misguided war in the East. I think you also have to ask yourself what kind of idiots build a major city below sea level anyway? Were they Dutch??

On the matter of those left behind, they were the poor, predominantly black citzens without the means to escape in time. In short the ones that Bush and his cronies don't really give a flying monkeys about.

As for rebuilding.........are you Americans crazy or what??? Consider it a lesson learned the hard way and try and find a hill to build on.
djsnafu, Dutch people built on what land they lived on/live on still, but in the case of New Orleans, the "below sea-level" situation was man-made and has proven to be catastrophic.

Just a suggestion: Please get your info. straight before you start insulting Dutch people! Sorry, but you hit a nerve with me by insulting the Dutch. I'm not normally so terse, but I have many Dutch friends (and this board is Dutch as well!). lol

My apologies in advance if I've offended you. :hatsoff:

So where were we again in this discussion? :nanner:

djsnafu said:
well, I think you have to ask yourself how much notice Bush took of the scientific warnings in the years leading up to this didaster and how much money he allocated to the defence of New Orleans and how much he pumped into his misguided war in the East. I think you also have to ask yourself what kind of idiots build a major city below sea level anyway? Were they Dutch??

On the matter of those left behind, they were the poor, predominantly black citzens without the means to escape in time. In short the ones that Bush and his cronies don't really give a flying monkeys about.

As for rebuilding.........are you Americans crazy or what??? Consider it a lesson learned the hard way and try and find a hill to build on.
lol this is getting into quite the shouting match and i must try and support nightfly here.

he is simply saying that the events that have occured in both Babylon and New Orleans are similar.

he is simply saying that babylon was burned to the ground and new orleans was demolished by the force of waves and turrential winds and rain.

i see no comparison to any biblical figures or anything to that amount.

who cares what god nightfly prays to, its times like these that people must unite for a common cause. Much like we did during the tsunami. people of any culture and race donated millions to the relief fund without anyone questioning, only the simple message of "do what you can and pray for the people that have been affected by this tragedy".
now whether your god is Muhammed, God, Isaiah, Moses, hell even Wayne Gretzky, hes just saying that pray for those who have been devestated. A simple thread that brought so many thoughts forward should not become a thread that persecutes or questions anyones belief in a supreme being, only to unite and pray for those who have been affected

It's all about perception and stereotypes.

To the point: the difference is whether or not the people (white or black) broke into the store to get the goods. If they didn't throw a brick through a window in order to get inside (that makes them looters, breaking in), and if the store was abandoned and flooded, and they were starving and looking for food, then yes they did FIND it. If, however, they were dancing in the streets parading to the cameras (we've all seen it) while walking off with an armload of CDs and bunches of other worthless crap not vital to survival, then yes, it's called looting, and it's reprehensible.

When was the last time you actually saw looters stealing food? It's called looting for a reason. "Looters," by definition, are thieves. People starving who find food in an abandoned and flooded grocery are not looters. No one would ever criticize a person for grabbing edible food from a flooded grocery in a disaster situation, but certainly the people (who we've all seen on TV) walking out of Wal-Mart stores in New Orleans carrying CDs and DVDs and TVs, etc. (as they danced and hid their faces from cameras) were fucking thieves.

I don't care which skin color a person has. A thief is a thief, regardless of color. I've never seen a person who FOUND food hide their face from a camera. I HAVE SEEN thieves who stole stuff hiding from the news cameras, and some people/thieves don't even bother to hide, they're so damned stupid. lol

ANDY76 said:


Staff member
see policemen in new orleans
Now also, you should also realise that there was rape and murders comitted. Maybe should you remember of what happened in the the late 80's-early 90's in the Watts and in the mid 70's early 80's in New York.
You know better than me who is mostly in jail in the US: gang members, dealers, scumbags, murderers and rapists.
When you see a guy dressed with baggy and like a gangsta with a $100000 or $80000 car and a watch with full diamond that he can't baught, doesn't it suspicious ?
Sorry but not everyone is enough naive not to see the difference between someone from the gang and honest persons.
You should also know the level of education between decent suburbs and the suburbs where gangs rule.
Look at these stats, probably it will help you to see and understand why people disagree with you probably more fitting to your views
waiting your response.
America has been hit in its pride of a super unbeatable power, unfortunately it's still is the poor / défavorated by the system people which pays the most but it is something that I'm accustomed has to see on behalf of the USA... while esperant that makes somewhat change the thing on the long term and that puts enough badly the popularity of W Bush...
It always makes me laugh when a president fact confidence to god and prayers as the only solution for an hurricane :o

although the rest of the world is far from being better, a huricane like this one in france or in another country would also have killed dozen of thousand of people.
When the tsunami disaster/event happened in December 2004, I don't recall that people from all over the world were pissing and moaning about how bad the politics were of the countries that were afflicted/affected. "Well, it's a tragedy, but since we don't agree on such-and-such country's laws on such-and-such topic/issue, we're not going to help you out. It's not our problem."

Can you even IMAGINE what people would say if the U.S.A. took THAT position?

Nice -- kick the U.S.A. in the balls when things are tough for some of us here (but be the FIRST to call us for help when your ass is on the line).


I'm sorry for the rant, and I certainly am not a supporter of G.W. Bush, but people are starting to piss me off by blaming the United States' domestic policies & laws for the deaths of what are sure to be tens of thousands, if not more, from this hurricane. I'll be the first person to be critical of the federal government for acting so damned slowly in this event, but I will be the last person to say that people deserved to NOT get help because of their government's stance on political issues. That's ridiculous.

To make matters worse, there's a NEW tropical storm (Ophelia) moving towards Florida now. Just lovely... What's next? Famine? :eek: :(

P.S. There's a massive global assistance network still booming. 95 nations have offered help, both officially and through private groups raising funds. That's an amazing show of support. We need it here. People are dying by the minute. It's good to see people coming together like this to help one another! :lovecoupl
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Staff member
9inch said:
America has been hit in its pride of a super unbeatable power, unfortunately it's still is the poor / défavorated by the system people which pays the most but it is something that I'm accustomed has to see on behalf of the USA... while esperant that makes somewhat change the thing on the long term and that puts enough badly the popularity of W Bush...
It always makes me laugh when a president fact confidence to god and prayers as the only solution for an hurricane :o

although the rest of the world is far from being better, a huricane like this one in france or in another country would also have killed dozen of thousand of people.
Too easy to blame the U.S. I don't think that you should be proud of Chirac who is an abominable president for France and now we are dragged into the shit with him since 1995. We have the highest unemployment rate in Europe a lot of people who live below the level of powerty so nothing to make fun of U.S.A. Chirac hasn't made things gone better but far worse and all the decisions taken by the recent French government are failures. If you think all is so pink and all is good then you are far from the Reality.
I am wondering what would Chirac done if the cyclone or typhoon would have damaged France.
He would have called the United States (among other countries) to ask us to help France again, and we would have done it without even thinking twice about it. :) :thumbsup:

georges said:
...I am wondering what would Chirac done if the cyclone or typhoon would have damaged France.
georges said:
Too easy to blame the U.S. I don't think that you should be proud of Chirac who is an abominable president for France and now we are dragged into the shit with him since 1995. We have the highest unemployment rate in Europe a lot of people who live below the level of powerty so nothing to make fun of U.S.A. Chirac hasn't made things gone better but far worse and all the decisions taken by the recent French government are failures. If you think all is so pink and all is good then you are far from the Reality.
I am wondering what would Chirac done if the cyclone or typhoon would have damaged France.

I never says France is better, when I see guys like chirac & sarko governing me I can't say it's better than bush...
but america wants to show at the world the "right way" (in french : elle se la raconte trop :o ), by engaging war everywhere, burning most of the world's oil, etc. USA should firstly take care of the 300.000.000 american people before planning to impose american life style (coca & fat food & god save the USA...) everywhere in the world...

just my cents, don't blame me for my -relative- liberty of thinking :thefinger