New HIV strain


Postal Paranoiac
Just wear a rubber. Make it a thick one.:helpme:

Will E Worm

Aye right you won LOL :thefinger

I wasnt making anything up , its old news just accept it you will sleep easier tonight :sleep:

What age are you 7 or 8? Prove it LOL you are one sad case :tongue:

If I hadnt heard it before I wouldnt have mentioned it & if Im going to lie it would be a better one than Ive heard this before :hatsoff:

Yes, I did win. You have to prove what you say. It's the law. :hammer:

People need to stop fuckin animals. Thats how we keep getting all these fucked up viruses that are going to end us.

It's not animals fault. AIDS was created in a lab.


Die For Me
This one is easy. Just do a quick search and you will find enough to read.
Also, go to youtube and watch the videos.

Theres a lot of information about it which has nothing to do with a man made virus :dunno:
The 1999 paper 'Origin of HIV-1 in the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes troglodytes' for example
Don't argue with Will. Everything he says is fact and he doesn't have to provide any proof. But everybody else does.
#16-Population Control=A.I.D.S.. Buy that CD from

Wow. To think that I thought Alex Jones was the most fucked up paranoiac out there. There ain't enough tin foil in the world to fit on those peoples' heads.