What happened next? Someone got a hernia.
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't feel safe letting it hang loose with so many heavy weights around.
Roald and Stan managed to convince Willem to bend over to pick up the bar...
What happened after is the same thing that happens to Willem almost every day...
Roald and Stan managed to convince Willem to bend over to pick up the bar...
What happened after is the same thing that happens to Willem almost every day...
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/petra said:Petra[/URL][/B], post: 5778375, member: 114093"]What happened after is the same thing that happens to Willem almost every day...
Roald and Stan managed to convince Willem to bend over to pick up the bar...
What happened after is the same thing that happens to Willem almost every day...
Pfft. Pussy. I lift weights with my dick.
I also do cock pushup.