New babe added to FreeOnes: Sara X Mills




Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt




No sound in first video, so play both videos at the same time.









I like her face and butt more than her big boobs, her boobs looked good before she got the implants, so they will look good after.


Just saw pics on instagram of her post surgery implant removal. :(
Hopefully the scars won't be too visible after they heal.

saraontheinternetHey @Instagram - not violating your community guidelines just showing what I've been through if you read my last post this says the same thing: AM I AGAINST BREAST IMPLANTS? Yes and no.

I’m all for anyone getting breast implants if that’s what they really want to do but I implore everyone to put more thought into it than I did. IMO it’s not worth playing roulette with your health. In addition to having to be replaced every 7-10 years or whenever there is a complication (and there often are and that's $$$ to fix) I developed a laundry list of autoimmune symptoms that have screwed my life up since ALMOST RIGHT AFTER IMPLANT and so have THOUSANDS of other women. If you want to read more about it, check out 🙌🏼 I don’t claim to know the why behind it but so many women get theirs out and get better - it took me six years to make the connection and one week after #explant I ALREADY FEEL BETTER. To be honest I feel pretty kewl too, because I get to be subversive as FUCK and go backwards from what’s currently the norm, especially as far as Instagram seems to go, from “perfect” fake tits to my post-mastopexy zombie bewbz (I had a lift you guys, that’s what the gigantic incisions are, from skin removal). Serving up fresh disappointment & anger to the guys who followed me literally only to see my fake tits! They be like #unfollow

I also don’t agree with the idea that we have to look a certain way to have the “right” bodies or the “right” boobs. Thanks to the internet we now have much more representation of different bodies and I LIKE THAT SHIT. I cringe when I see someone say they “need” implants or they “need” to lose x amount of weight before they can do something they really want to do. Fuck all that. Express yourself. Be you. I’m showing the world my #frankenboobs, now it’s your turn. #teamnotits #ittybittytittycommittee #fuckyeahsmallboobs

It's true, a lot of women who got implants get sick from the silicone.
I recently saw a video of Gigi Hadid's mother Yolanda Foster who was sick for years, spent a ton of money on all kinds of cures and finally discovered it was her implants that had leaked.


It's true, a lot of women who got implants get sick from the silicone.
It's the silicone bag that makes women sick, it's filled with saline solution which should be harmless.
I don't think silicone gel is used anymore because it is toxic.
But the problem is the silicone bag slowly disintegrates, spreads and has a toxic effect.