Rey C.
Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
"There is something so wrong with you...I hope nobody takes that crap seriously."
Come on now! It's just a personal life experience. Take it seriously because it's honest, but it would be your own choice whether you want to go down the same path or not.
It's funny how people will judge other people as having something wrong with them, just because they choose to lead a different sort of life. And IMO, choosing not to be led around by your hormones and prurient desires is not such a bad way to live, especially in your 20's and 30's. I think that if I had had a different view of sex and relationships when I was in my 20's, my life would be different now (better or worse, I don't know... but I believe it would be different). Too many casual relationships during those years, and too often believing that sex is just another form of recreation, does not make for a healthy mind as one moves through life; you may eventually become somewhat jaded.
Then when your internal clock says that settling down and starting a family are the right things to do, you find that you haven't (really) developed the skills to make that work... and you don't really even want to do it - even though you know you probably should. If the only relationship "skills" you really have involve being pretty decent at picking up women and knowing what tends to get them back to your hotel room for a few hours or maybe off & on for a few weeks, is that really anything to brag about?
I envy those people who have a healthy balance in their lives and relationships... however much money they may have or don't have - at a certain point, toys begin to lose their luster (and yeah, people/random sex can be like toys too). Sex without love can be fun and enjoyable. But sex with love actually means more, IMO. And if one does not want the former and prefers to wait for the latter, there is nothing wrong with that.