Never had sex; what are my options?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
"There is something so wrong with you...I hope nobody takes that crap seriously."

Come on now! It's just a personal life experience. Take it seriously because it's honest, but it would be your own choice whether you want to go down the same path or not.

It's funny how people will judge other people as having something wrong with them, just because they choose to lead a different sort of life. And IMO, choosing not to be led around by your hormones and prurient desires is not such a bad way to live, especially in your 20's and 30's. I think that if I had had a different view of sex and relationships when I was in my 20's, my life would be different now (better or worse, I don't know... but I believe it would be different). Too many casual relationships during those years, and too often believing that sex is just another form of recreation, does not make for a healthy mind as one moves through life; you may eventually become somewhat jaded.

Then when your internal clock says that settling down and starting a family are the right things to do, you find that you haven't (really) developed the skills to make that work... and you don't really even want to do it - even though you know you probably should. If the only relationship "skills" you really have involve being pretty decent at picking up women and knowing what tends to get them back to your hotel room for a few hours or maybe off & on for a few weeks, is that really anything to brag about?

I envy those people who have a healthy balance in their lives and relationships... however much money they may have or don't have - at a certain point, toys begin to lose their luster (and yeah, people/random sex can be like toys too). Sex without love can be fun and enjoyable. But sex with love actually means more, IMO. And if one does not want the former and prefers to wait for the latter, there is nothing wrong with that.


Philbert said:
"There is something so wrong with you...I hope nobody takes that crap seriously."

"There is something so wrong with you...I hope nobody takes that crap seriously."

Come on now! It's just a personal life experience. Take it seriously because it's honest, but it would be your own choice whether you want to go down the same path or not.

Anyway, to the topic creator, don't feel bad- I'm 32 and never had sex either. The truth is, I don't want to. After high school I stopped thinking about it. While in high school of course all the boys would be like "Man I banged the SHIT out of that hot chick last night!" and who really knows if they did or not. I believe some of them really were banging chicks given how they'd fight with their girlfriends after the relationship would dwindle away to being nothing more than a chore. Only 17 and already fighting like a married couple! During these high school days I would think about sex and think about it often. The curiosity was truly a nonstop distracting feeling. However things change after the years go by time and I realize the choices I make/have made in life are what I care about the most.

I think that's why I lost interest in sex- the feeling that I'm supposed to fall in love and get married, you know, things to assure I'm not just using a girl for sex (and obviously I'd never use a girl for sex otherwise I wouldn't be a virgin at the age of 32). Don't let the pressure get to ya man. My life is, not bragging or anything, awesome being single and I wouldn't want to tarnish it with the after effects of sex or being with a woman. I also wouldn't want to pay for sex either. Seems really wrong to do that.

That's so lame...
You don't have sex, don't care to, and have some of the screwiest ides on women and relationships I have ever heard...really.
What the fuck are you even doing posting in this thread with ZERO experience having sex with another human, mainly females?
Almost everything you posted is skewed, with nowhere to go but "what DO you have sex with"?

Many (although now I am wondering just who I am surrounded by) of the men here on FOs find women to not only be desirable and delicious ( "tarnish it with the after effects of sex or being with a woman"? That's just fucking awful...and insulting to every woman here and to all the guys who love women and what we do together.) but you admittedly have no idea how fine a pussy wrapped around your dick feels, or how great intimacy with a female can get a guy to feeling pretty great.
Holding hands, or squeezing a titty, can bring a male to new heights of exctasy...not to mention all those other fun things people seem to come up with.
You think that TARNISHES your wonderful single life?

I won't even comment on your take on paying for sex...fuck.

I'm really holding back, there is so much wrong with the crap you posted...
I can't fault those who want to wait for that "right person." Truth be told, the best sex I've ever had is with someone I actually care for (I won't eat strange). But there is something to be said about fucking the shit out of someone you don't and knowing she doesn't care about you in return makes it all the easier. It satisfies our basest of impulses (like porn) but that's all it does.

Here's my ideal and call it polyanna if you want: to fall in love and marry your high school sweetheart and have sweet uninhibited sex with her for the rest of your lives.


Well, if we gonna rank sex levels, I will say I am very set on fucking friends only; love is nice, but first I gotta like the lady, and I need to at least think she likes me; then, no matter what the level of sex it is, I have a lot of fun.
Love has not been as kind to most people as we all might wish, but the closer you are the better the sex has been my experience.
The best sex I remember has always been with someone who blew me away with their affection and beauty, and I knew that if I had to die 5 minutes after the deed was done, I'd be OK with that...going out on top, so to speak.
Women have a hold on our hearts, to be sure if you're hetero and working at least close to correctly, and anyone not screaming gay who has no interest in women is running on 1 or 2 cylinders at best.
I like women, never felt the least bit attracted to men, and will always adore pussy, titties, and a fine shape until I draw my last breath; I hope I draw that last one right after some sweet luscious lady love...Insha'Allah!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Hey Humperbink, forget what I said, buddy. Clearly I'm just as fucked up as you are. Apparently the way I used to be and the way I used to see things were right & correct all along. Seems like waking up half hung-over beside some random girl, whose name you can't remember for the life of you, in a hotel suite in Ocean City (only remembering that she had one hell of a talent for rolling her hips during doggy-style the night before), that's the way to roll, playa! :yesyes:

Don't go seeing women for any sort of human value they may have. See, that's insulting to them, from what I now hear. I mean, shit, who the hell wants to be seen as a person?! Just remain focused on how tight and wet their pussies are and how squeezable their tits are. For a million dollars, I couldn't tell you that girl's name from so many years ago. But I do recall that in addition to the hip rolling, she loved showing how she could lick her own nipples. She loved playing with her nipples at least as much as I did. So as long as that memory stays with me, I'm sure if we met today, me not remembering her name wouldn't bother her one little bit.

My apologies to the OCSMs here. I'll try to do better and not see you as people, but more as a collection of sexy body parts.
Thanks Rey C.! Exactly what I was thinking. Well said! I can only guess that Philbert is being sarcastic and doesn't really *mean* what he's saying. Insulting a woman by not having sex with them- that's a new one :)
This town needs to take a breather ... and guns. ;)



Hey Humperbink, forget what I said, buddy. Clearly I'm just as fucked up as you are. Apparently the way I used to be and the way I used to see things were right & correct all along. Seems like waking up half hung-over beside some random girl, whose name you can't remember for the life of you, in a hotel suite in Ocean City (only remembering that she had one hell of a talent for rolling her hips during doggy-style the night before), that's the way to roll, playa! :yesyes:

Don't go seeing women for any sort of human value they may have. See, that's insulting to them, from what I now hear. I mean, shit, who the hell wants to be seen as a person?! Just remain focused on how tight and wet their pussies are and how squeezable their tits are. For a million dollars, I couldn't tell you that girl's name from so many years ago. But I do recall that in addition to the hip rolling, she loved showing how she could lick her own nipples. She loved playing with her nipples at least as much as I did. So as long as that memory stays with me, I'm sure if we met today, me not remembering her name wouldn't bother her one little bit.

My apologies to the OCSMs here. I'll try to do better and not see you as people, but more as a collection of sexy body parts.

Hey RC...congratulations on the most inane post you've ever made...and the most idiotic.
Nothing I said even comes close to whatever post you are thinking you are reading, and so much for the respect I had for your posting stuff I wanted to read.
This bozo thinks waking up with a woman would tarnish his 32 year old virgin single life...WTF is that?
You really hate women?
I said that women are to be enjoyed, not treated like you seem to have done in some period of your life per your post.
That sucks...but you seem to feel superior to most people so that figures.

I never advocated or did the pick up strangers and get shitfaced, then fuck and forget what happened thing. That sucks as a lifestyle, never was my way of doing things.
I remember just about all the women I met and had a thing with, and they were a fine bunch of ladies. Once again, sucks to be the two of you, and why you suddenly think the ladies on FOs need an apology speaks volumes to your screwed up take on women.
I never advocated or did the pick up strangers and get shitfaced, then fuck and forget what happened thing.

I don't advocate it but I sure liked it at the time. It was that awkward driving her home in the morning that I didn't like. I mean what do you talk about?
"This bozo thinks waking up with a woman would tarnish his 32 year old virgin single life...WTF is that?
You really hate women?"

Where's the connection between hating women and a virgin waking up with a woman? It's like going to the grocery store to buy milk and you come home with a pack of cigarettes. You're assuming by not having sex with a woman, it must mean I hate them. I don't. I love women. Don't say weird things anymore.


Quote Originally Posted by humperbink

Anyway, don't feel bad- I'm 32 and never had sex either. The truth is, I don't want to. . My life is, not bragging or anything, awesome being single and I wouldn't want to tarnish it with the after effects of sex or being with a woman. I also wouldn't want to pay for sex either. Seems really wrong to do that.


Don't say weird things anymore.

You are a near complete freak...if you post some more you may be revealed as a complete freak, but as of now, I just got the one post to go by.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Sex and love are two entirely different things, Philbert. While there are times when they go together, it is possible to have one without the other. All this fellow is trying to say is that until he finds love (or whatever), he'd prefer not to have sex. That does not make him weird, lame, gay, freakish or anything else... despite your worldly opinion to the contrary.

And what I was saying in my post is that I did go through a period (after a broken engagement) where I saw sex as more of a recreational activity, rather than as an extension of a meaningful relationship. But using your logic, did I enjoy them? Did they have wet pussies? Did they moan when I squeezed their tits? Yeah - but I didn't realize that's all it takes to get one into Heaven. Did they enjoy themselves? Seems that at least a few did, as it wasn't always just a one-night stand. But it was not a means to pursue anything real or meaningful. It was... well, as I said... recreation. And as he was saying, that sort of thing (to him anyway) tarnishes the experience. And looking back, no, that's not how I would play it if I had an Act II.

But in the here & now, it does make me feel ever so privileged to be in the company of a fine, articulate, intelligent, thoughtful fellow, such as yourself, who has just cruised through life, never wrong about anything, never making even the first false step, always had the right answer at the right time, never wronged anyone... and about as full of shit as a cow pasture full of bulls with diarrhea.

And Philbert, just so you know, I've been a fairly arrogant bastard since I was about 5 years old. It's not as if you're delivering a newsflash there, buddy. It's an unpleasant personality trait. I get arrogant with goofs and you probably pick your nose in public. See, we all have things we do that we should probably work on. :) But these days, I try to direct that personality trait to those most deserving of a sarcastic smack-down. Course some people aren't intelligent enough to detect sarcasm when they see it attached to their nose (like that "apology" to the FO's OCSM's :facepalm: ). You're clearly too smooth for me, Scooter. Pick up your order at the 2nd window, count your change and drive right on through. :hatsoff:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
And once again Philbert is just being disrespectful towards other people on the board.

Raimmi, we should never expect a dog to meow or a cat to bark. Or as I've told people I've worked with or have taught:

Never try to teach a pig to sing.
It's a waste of your time... and it just annoys the pig.
But fresh bacon on a Sunday morning goes good with pancakes.


Your sarcasm was lost and watered down, although noticed, it became another part of your backpatting that other loser.
You have a soul mate here, someone who thinks you are so wise and I feel your joy.
raimmi has a mancrush on you, and while I see how much you need to denigrate me as a threat to your more obvious bullshit, my analysis is straight to the had a dark past, you suddenly had to share, and now we all know (meh) how you tore a hole through the hearts of many a fair (drunk) maiden's heart.
Never was my style, and I am proud to say I have had many good times with enough women to be satisfied with my life there.
You seem to need to make excuses for being an asshole to others, while I have no such need having made my choices to go a different way.
I remember vaguely your proud story of fucking with some young guy who said something you didn't like, and you tore him a new one...for days. Wow, what a guy.
Anyway, if you need such loser approval you can surely find it are still wrong and off base with your bullshit review of my post to humpernever...if you feel camaraderie with the 32 year old (and loving it) virgin...good for you.
What would Jesus do, right?
(Probably laugh at the two of you like I am):rofl2:
How does it feel Philbert knowing your brain never matured beyond a 10-year old? "Drrrrr, you're a virgin- you must be a loser!" Your pathetic insults truly show your age. I bet your mom would be upset if she found out you signed up for freeones. Go crawl up a cows shitty ass where you should make a permanent home for yourself. With a mouth that does nothing constructive and says lots of shit, it's where you need to be.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Philbert, sarcasm that is "lost and watered down" to one of lower I.Q. is what the rest of us call "subtle". You know what they say about sarcasm, don't you? No, of course you don't. What the fuck am I thinking?! And let's get real, Phil... you see this fellow as a loser simply because he sees things differently than you do. Your kind tends to be that way. As for Raimmi, I doubt that he has any sort of crush on me. He just doesn't like you. And he probably got a kick out of seeing me thump you. That's all.

As for being an asshole, to you and those of your ilk, I often am. I've been here for 4 years and you're just now figuring this out??? Srsly? Wow, dude. Like, how many times did you repeat 2nd grade? See... dammit, I did it again! :nono: But notice that I tend to get along with most of the other people here, whether I agree with them on an issue or not. It all comes down to how they express themselves. But I've never tried to portray myself as an angel. And yeah, like most people, I may have some darkness in my past. I've discussed things of this nature many times here. But I can't change the past, only the future. And based on my past, if anything I said to this fellow makes him feel any better about his stance and situation, then that's cool with me. If you don't like it, well, that's just too fucking bad. You'll either get over it or you'll die with the frustration. Do you sense that I give a fuck either way? No? Well, good boy. You've made an important first step away from being a total goof. I'm glad I could help you too. :)

As for you vs. Jesus, my guess is he would just point to you, say that you were living, breathing PROOF that his Father had a grand sense of humor on the day of your birth... and go on about his business.

P.S. Oh, the youngster who spoke before he thought... yeah, that usually doesn't fly with me. But unlike you, he's not stupid or too proud to realize when he's in over his head. So he had the good sense to ask me how the hell IRR, NPV and discounted cashflows were calculated for a project of that nature. See, he wasn't too proud to man up and realize that he still had a lot to learn before he tried to impress anyone with the things he had learned in comm. college. I respected that. I actually like the kid. He's actually quite sharp and he gets what we are trying to accomplish. He's young enough that I could see him taking my position when I eventually leave. Maybe I'll turn him into a mini-me and have him come here and fuck with you too. Would you like that? No! No! Don't do it, Phil! I was only joshin' ya, son! :suicide:
This town needs to take a breather ... and guns. ;)
