Just remember some things.
1. By far the biggest group of people that pay for male prostitutes are...other men.
2. The second biggest group of people that pay for male prostitutes are...ugly undesirable women.
3. Male prostitutes don't get paid very well, especially if they are unwilling be with the group from number 1 above.
Think about it. How many hot attractive women out there in the world would ever have to even come close to paying for sex? They already could have men crawling over to them if they wanted, for free, heck they could have people pay them. The only way a male prostitute could be anything other than one of the most miserable jobs in the world is if that person is absolutely positively the greatest thing since sliced bread and the one of the greatest, manliest people of all time, because if he's not that it's not looking too good.
1. By far the biggest group of people that pay for male prostitutes are...other men.
2. The second biggest group of people that pay for male prostitutes are...ugly undesirable women.
3. Male prostitutes don't get paid very well, especially if they are unwilling be with the group from number 1 above.
Think about it. How many hot attractive women out there in the world would ever have to even come close to paying for sex? They already could have men crawling over to them if they wanted, for free, heck they could have people pay them. The only way a male prostitute could be anything other than one of the most miserable jobs in the world is if that person is absolutely positively the greatest thing since sliced bread and the one of the greatest, manliest people of all time, because if he's not that it's not looking too good.