Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

Re: Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

First he comes for the banks and health care, uses the IRS to go after critics, politicizes the Justice Department, spies on journalists, tries to curb religious freedom, slashes the military, throws open the borders, doubles the debt and nationalizes the Internet.

He lies to the public, ignores the Constitution, inflames race relations and urges Latinos to punish Republican “enemies.” He abandons our *allies, appeases tyrants, coddles *adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast.
Bullshit, bullshit and bullshit !
If that's the intor, the rest of the article is null and void

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Re: Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

Bullshit, bullshit and bullshit !
If that's the intor, the rest of the article is null and void

I bet you would suck obama's cock, if he told you to...wouldn't you?
Re: Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

Bullshit, bullshit and bullshit !
If that's the intor, the rest of the article is null and void

For your mind.

I haven't read it yet, so I may agree with you, but I would read through it and see if there are any facts and primary sources before "null and void"ing it.

Just my opinion.
Re: Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

"Teheran is a real threat, Israel isn't" Bravo, Georges.

I've said I followed Benjamin Netanyahu since his first stint as Israeli PM but it was the Netanyahu name that raised an eyebrow with me. His brother led and was the only military casualty in the famed raid on Entebbe which by modern-day military standards was the most daring raid ever pulled off. (read it or watch the movie).

I just watched a documentary on the Entebbe raid on YouTube. IDF special forces are top notch. The planning that went into the raid was just unbelievable

Re: Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

For your mind.

I haven't read it yet, so I may agree with you, but I would read through it and see if there are any facts and primary sources before "null and void"ing it.

Just my opinion.

Having read it, I'm leaning towards Johan being correct on this. It's essentially little more than standard daily right wing fear mongering, disseminated by a well known right wing rag, authored by a kneejerk Obama hater. Sad that the guy won a Pulitzer a decade ago and has since been reduced to writing this kind of swill. But hey, swill sells. And anti Obama swill sells better than most, as evidenced by the goldmine conservative talking heads have found selling the political equivalent of dime novels to adoring sycophants with no critical thinking skills and no motivation to do their own research.
Slap on a fearsome title like "Deliver Us From Evil" - or a "clever" one like "Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder" then just kick back and watch the money roll in.

Typically, this op ed is loaded with hyperbolic half truths, misinformation, disinformation and falsehoods (intentional or otherwise). Sadly there's not much point in teasing apart all the crap. Dude is singing to the choir and the choir doesn't want to know any better.

The author makes it sound like Obama is the first president to ever play hardball with an Israeli PM who he felt was acting counter to our best interests, when in fact several have; mostly Republicans (Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, Bush I).
But hey that was ok because those presidents weren't anti-American, Caucasian-hating closeted muslims *wink*

Or that no other presidents have taken issue with the expansion of Israeli settlements, when in fact the Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and Bush 1 administrations all publicly characterized them as illegal, while Reagan, Clinton and Bush 2 referred more often to them as "obstacles to peace".

In fact, Obama has done a great deal for Israel, including playing a critical role in the research, development and funding for its Iron Dome Missle Defense system.

And then for black comedic effect there's this: Author parrots the right wing echo chamber stories that while visiting the president Netenyahu was forced to use the White House back door on one occasion, and snubbed on another (presumably while the president dined with his family) - when in fact the Isreali ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren, and for that matter Netenyahu himself, have debunked both of these stories.
Re: Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

I bet you would suck obama's cock, if he told you to...wouldn't you?
As much as you would suck Wayne Lapierre's cock, if he told you...wouldn't you ?
Re: Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

As much as you would suck Wayne Lapierre's cock, if he told you...wouldn't you ?

Is that a bad thing? Had I known it was bad...

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Re: Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

As much as you would suck Wayne Lapierre's cock, if he told you...wouldn't you ?

Sorry dude...I'm just a member because of a shooting club I belong to. If I want accurate info, I go to the FBI unified crime stats. Maybe you should try that, instead of some half assed gun grabbing left wing pussies, that require you hug a tree every day.
Re: Netanyahu on Palestinian State ; Monday : "Hell non !" , Friday : "Yes, off course !!"

Obama tells Bibi to return to '67 borders. How about the USA return to 1967 borders.