

Hiliary 2020
King Con


this is the most detailed and direct page i've found answering the question
"Neocons" are NOT "conservatives" in the true sense of the word (i.e., smaller government, individual freedom, etc.) IMO.


conservatives are people who like things the way they are and resist change, neocons are people who fill their pockets while sending other people's children to die in some fucking desert and while proclaiming themselves to be patriots - not because they like their country, but because they have a flagpin on their ties.
"Neocons" are NOT "conservatives" in the true sense of the word (i.e., smaller government, individual freedom, etc.) IMO.


NeoCons are only Conservative in name but not in practice.

NeoCons outnumber genuine Conservatives in the GOP that's why the GOP is in shambles because dipshit NeoCons have taken over it and run amok


Hiliary 2020
The internet age is great in most respects. On the flip side it's worrisome when blogs with obvious agendas like are quoted as authorities.

c'mon bodes, spit it out, are you saying that page is inacurate or false?
I said it was the most detailed explanation I found,the truth is I'm not exactly sure what the hek a neocon is, still have not heard or read a real answer.
Ron Paul is a liberal's conservative.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian. He's a Republican Congressman, but most of his political philosophy is Libertarian (Libertarian's believe you should be able to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect anybody else or their property...and they believe that the government should be as limited as possible).

Anyway, a NeoCon is simply a one-time Liberal who switched over and became a Conservative. The picture of Bill Kristol is funny, because his father, Irving, started the NeoCon movement.

NeoCon's come to mean a Conservative who has a strong interest in spreading American style Democracy and capitalism to other nations, but that's completely inaccurate. Bush and Cheney are not NeoCons...both were always "Conservative." Dennis Miller is a NeoCon...he was a Liberal who moved Right after 9-11.