Neesa (Redhead MILF)

The most beautiful face in the business! There is nothing wrong with who she wants to have sex with. It's her preference, it's her body and mind, so she has all the right in the world to decide what kind of "meat" would go into her "pussycat." I love women with strong attitude, who would voice their opinion on things that they don't like. I love honest, straight-forward people like Neesa. I hate hypocrite.
By the way, I hope Neesa would do more scenes for us fans to watch. I would love to see her in Brazzers, NA, and Reality Gang. However, as long as she shoot for new scenes, it's my pleasure to watch her.
Neesa, I saw your new video at Bangbros, and you have lost a LOT of weight. You aren't sick or something are you? I have been your fan for a long time, and I liked you a bit fleshier. :) Do americans like skinny women? I find that hard to believe. Anyway I hope you are hale and hearty.
Wow! she really does look stunning in this new one. Cross between Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn.

She's right about the blonde hair too, I didn't think she could possibly look better than in her previous "redhead" movies, but she was right. She's even more gorgeous. It's the smoky eyes I think, and the smile, and the voice too.

Why on earth isn't she dominating the industry, the way she's dominating the internet. Millions of people are searching for her stuff, and the industry is treating her like crap. Why?

Thanks Neesa!! Did you get treated better this time? and will there be more from you?
Hey Neesa, thanks for the shout-out that you did in the new Bangbros vid to all your fans.:bowdown:

I have to admit that I was I little dissapointed a while back when I first heard you'd changed your look from the redhead minx to blonde barbie, but after watching your new look on camera in a porn scene, I was more turned on than ever.

wow shes on naked . com. wonderful thought to have her personally strip for oneself (4 dollars a minute though)
wonderful site all in all, very nice girls there
My website is ran by a man named Bill.Never met him.Thought it was flattering when he put it up, about a year ago.Now he has made it so I cannot post.I can only add my comments.I cannot even approve YOUR comments.He claims he is oh so busy and doesn't have any control over it,only I do.Well,I am not stupid,when u make websites for a living..You know how to get the new passwords.I don't own it.I don't care to.I never made $ off it.But I wanna give a big "FUCK YOU" to Bill.Thanks for nothing.I kno u read here.He owns milf battle . com

He uses my site as a way to advertise for his sites.That I am fine with.But LYING,and not allowing me to get into my own site..Maybe he is one of the guys that leaves comments here and there being an ass.Maybe he is offended at my postings.Well,I am not longer posting thru comments there.He needs my permission/model release/ID to post those pics of me.I could care less what he does w it.I called this week.He only picked up cause my # changed."I have to go to my new job,call u later".Never did.WHo doesn't call a porn actress/stripper back?I have offered to meet up w him.SO Bill,I will contact u thru this.Make it so I cannot control the site at all.I could give a fuck.I wish u were dead.

BTW:I will have my very own site soon.In the meantime,boycott his site.I found this on public records online thru google

All records required to be kept by federal law are in the possession of the original producer of the content. The original producer is listed below.

Gustavo Precinoti, Inc.
6955 NW 52nd Street
Miami, Florida 33166

I called over there.And work for BBros..They don't kno who that guy is.SO who knows if"Bill" is allowed to post BBros material.I'll find out tomorrow.Bill,I can fuck up your life with my words.DOnt fuck w me.Have a good day .Neesa

...But I wanna give a big "FUCK YOU" to Bill.Thanks for nothingI could give a fuck.I wish u were dead

Neesa, I’m not Bill so don’t work yourself into another lather, please.

You need to grip, darlin’! If you don’t, we’re going to be seeing you on Nancy Grace, soon, after you’ve taken a meat cleaver to some poor bastard’s skull! Calm down and take another pill, OK?
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Some of your comments here guys make me so sad. Neesa said it absolutly right. It is HER body and much more important HER decision with which man or guy she wants to
sleep with. Its amazing that some f*****g bas*ards here call her an rassict while she don´t wants to have sex whith a man because of different reasons.
It is only her decision and NO contract, NO manager and NO whatever in this universe should and can force her to do something she dont want.
And you call her rassict? What are you for people? When she said, she dont want it- ACCEPT IT! Don´t respecing the sexual self-determination of a woman is
so much more intolerant then her act and you diss her as an rassist o_O You are a f*****g intolerant sexist.

I don´t like that I like porns but the only reason while im still watching them is that all the time I have to say by myself that it is or should be
the free right of all women to decide that she wants to make it or not. When now contracts forced women to do it, the porn industry will become a paradoxon
of themself. From a symobol of sexual revolution starting ib the seventies to an inhuman industry.

And to the things neesa said!!!
First Neesa had not to exculpate or explain herself... i said it. Only her decision. That she did it anyway makes her simpatico and shows that she really seems
to be an strong an indepident woman- that makes me feeling good =)

And about the treatment of woman is islamic nations we dont have to talk, there is an watch on the role of the woman in the public society of nations
like Jemen or Saudi-Arabia just enough- a role is not existiered! There are closed at home, forced to wear a burqua.

So for all you guys out there, I´M NOT A RASSICT, but I love that woman have the right of a self-determinated live. This is THE main symbol of freedom.
And all people who wants to censur or adjudge woman for this are in my opinion stu*** idi***.
lol lrn2spell

this slut is def racist really no denying that. and it's not so much 'her body' as it is the body of whoever is willing to dish out the 100 bucks to own her for 30 mins. but whatever she'll probably bang anyone of any race if she was paid enough. WHICH IN HER CASE PROBABLY ISN'T MUCH AMIRITE U GUYZ?

EDIT: inb4only2posts
Hello "Godfather"..
I would never do interacial with blacks,Mexican,or middleeasterns.It's my body,my choice who I share it with as I quote often.I am very open with my opinion on this.Any other kind of Latin is fine for me though,just not Mexican.

Asians,I love Asians! I would do porn with Asians/Those who know me,know I have Asian fever.Especially the women.I am a big fan of their culture.Minus the part where in some Asian countries, women are treated as a lower class than men.

I like your honesty. More women need to be honest with these people who want to force IR on everybody.
I knew this would stir up controversy and I love it! I love to see you guys get involved,ask questions before getting offended,etc..Well,at least most of you..You know how I am a big fan of ,"STanding up for what you believe in".

Now to answer your questions..
It's really this simple...I am not attracted to men who are of that race.Actually,the only men to ever fuck me over,rape me,etc..were white men.So I don't have these disinterests in men of those races because they did someting wrong to me..Just not into fucking/getting intimate with them/dating them,on or off camera.The difference between me and many other people/porn actresses is..I am willing to lay that out on the table..I don't give a fuck.

Ever notice how it's o.k. for a black women to say she just wants to date black men.But if a white girl says she will only date white men,it's not acceptable.

That's what I was put on this planet debate,be active in my community through charity work,help others,give my strength to the weak,make a difference,and get men off through all the adult work I do/did.

It's all in the delivery.Had I said,"I love Mexican men,they turn me on soo much"..Those who have a problem w me NOT wanting to be with them on an intimate level wouldn't have said,"Oh,but you don't like other Latins"?.No,you would have just said,"Neesa has a Mexican fetish,hot"..

.So,take it or leave it..

There are certain types of guys I like to fuck,others miss out.Deal.Go find a pornstar to admire who has a Mexican fetish.Neesa fans are fun,and they like a real women who doesn't candy coat herself.A porn actress with a brain,a heart of gold,and a strong women who will fight for what she believes in.I am not perfect,I am not flawless.I have attitude and I am not as sweet as I look.I am not a porn actress who struts around thinking she's Gods gift to men.I don't think I am just a walking pussy.I post on this page for a purpose.

I was simply asked if I would do interaccial on film,I answered the question with total honesty.I did not cut down anyones race.I did not make jokes about other races..I just told you which races I wouldn't fuck on film.

Speaking of,"ANti".I will tell you what I am,"Anti" about..Neesa is..
2.Anti-men who abuse women
3.Anti-people who don't believe a women has the right to choose what kind of dick goes in her pussy
4.Anti-our president
You get the picture..

I didn't know Tera doesn't do interacial.But ya see,is anyone giving her shit? Probably not.And for the record,thats my perfect ideal beautiful Asian women.I tried to get a gig w her yrs ago and she never got back to me ;(
I also like old men rather than younger men.Does that make me age discrimit.? And I like to fuck tall men as oppose to short men,am I size judgemental..?U get the idea.When I got tired of seeing animalsw/o homes,I started volunteering at an animal shelter.If you're really interested in race awareness 0209510,why dont you volunteer your time in that department? Stop bitching and start doing.I hate men who beat women and I do vol. work in that field righ tnow..

But on a happy note,I am buying myself a brand new vibrator tonight . ;)

You made a great point here. You can't force attraction on anybody. Women don't do IR not because they are racist but because blacks aren't attractive. IR fans need to swallow the truth. The real racists are the people who complain about these girls not sleeping with black men.I can't believe some white guys even watch that stuff.
You made a great point here. You can't force attraction on anybody. Women don't do IR not because they are racist but because blacks aren't attractive. IR fans need to swallow the truth. The real racists are the people who complain about these girls not sleeping with black men.I can't believe some white guys even watch that stuff.

thx for saying that:)