My best friend is having issues with his girlfriend. No this isn't me I know how it looks, anyway...they've been together for 3 years, have a little one and have had a very solid relationship. They do brag about their sex life and how great it is, but he came to me yesterday rather flustered.
He said they haven't been sleeping together a lot recently. Only 3 times in April. He said she told him that it doesn't feel good anymore, he asks for it too much (which I know is crap because this girl grabs his package in public and in front of friends) and he's said that she has generally lost interest in sex altogether.
I gave him the normal talk and all, but I'm curious as to others opinions because I have a bad feeling, but I don't want to upset him.
If anyone could shed some light on this with their own opinion I'd be grateful.
Shed light on what? A few flimsy paragraphs based on what he said and even then only half a story?
We know nothing about what she really thinks, only his statement "that she has generally lost interest in sex altogether" - Which respectfully could be bullshit considering how a male views sex compared to a woman.
Freeones is not a place you come for advice, let alone based on such dismal information.
I love how instantly she is the villain and we should all feel sorry for him, how do we not know he hasn't screwed up?