need help with screenshot of video

trying to make a screen shot into a link to post into the ID babe thread but i have no idea how to do it.
i tried several different ways but i have no idea what im doing i never really did that type of thing before.
any help would be greatly appreciated:cool:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
1. Pause the video at the desired moment.
2. Press the print screen button.
3. Open up any image editing software program (i.e. paint, Photoshop) and paste the image.
4. Crop the picture as you see fit.
5. Save it as a jpeg or png.
6. You can now upload this to any file hosting website ( or
7. Disco!


persona non grata
Many video players have a snapshot function. In for example VLC Player it's in the menu under "Video" (if it's a HD video you're taking the snapshot from you will probably have to resize the image in an image editing program because it will be really big).