NBA Commish "Plantation Overseer"

Will E Worm

Bryant Gumbel Calls NBA Commish "Plantation Overseer"
TV talker goes racial as pro basketball talks falter

Bryant Gumbel invoked race in a televised editorial on the NBA's strained labor talks, likening league Commissioner David Stern to a "plantation overseer."

Gumbel ended Tuesday's edition of HBO's "Real Sports" by taking aim at Stern, who he said is to blame for the lockout that threatens the entire season. He said Stern's "disdain for the players" is "pathetic."

"But his efforts were typical of a commissioner, who has always seemed eager to be viewed as some kind of modern plantation overseer treating NBA men as if they were his boys," Gumbel said. "It’s part of Stern’s M.O. Like his past self-serving edicts on dress code or the questioning of officials, his moves are intended to do little more than show how he’s the one keeping the hired hands in their place."

Gumbel has often played the race card when talking sports. In 2006, when then-NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue was leaving office, he said Tagliabue kept Players Union boss Gene Upshaw on a "leash" as his "personal pet." The comment was widely viewed as having a racial overtone.



Later that year, Gumbel explained why he doesn't like the Winter Olympics.

"Try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention," Gumbel said.

He should be fired.
Bryant Gumbel has always been a POS. Ever since he "retracted" his ridiculous statement on the Winter Olympics.

Although I don't particularly like Stern, his comments seem to hold at least some merit. I don't know, NBA ain't all that my thing, although I do play the game and watch occasionally.


what the fuck you lookin at?
well the NBA is full of them Negros so calling the commissioner a plantation overseer...not that much of a stretch!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
If he was a plantation owner, then there wouldn't be any dispute going on right now. Plantation owners don't pay their slaves to work the fields.

Nobody watches his show so this how he tries to get ratings. At least he's amusing. I wonder how many race cards he has left...


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Stern isn't a plantation owner. Plantations tended to be profitable.

cindy CD/TV

Stern isn't a plantation owner. Plantations tended to be profitable.

Oh, snap! :1orglaugh :bowdown:


My :2 cents:
Looks like Bryant Gumbel is trying to bring his career back from the dead. He's not even the most famous Gumbel in his family. Reverse-racist asshole. :dislike:


He should be fired.

No, he told the truth. He has freedom of speech.
You could move to Russia or China if you wish.

Liberals do this all the time and get away with it. There's been a precedent
set. So, his rights were infringed upon. :yesyes:

Abridging the freedom of speech is prohibited.

abridge, deprive of, dispossess of, disseise, divest of, expropriate, limit, restrict, seize, strip, take away, usurp, wrest from

Originally Posted by nylo
I guess freedom of speech doesn't apply here, its frustrating when someone gets canned or penalized for just opening their fucking mouth. They are fucking words, but noooo our pansy society won't allow it




milf n' cookies
It's pretty blatant of what a bigot and a racist Gumbel has always been.
"Try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention," Gumbel said.

Here's an idea. What if Blacks actually made a conscious effort to actually participate in winter sports. Then perhaps they'd get good at them. What does he expect, a quota on skin color for athletes in the Olympics? Last time I checked, Africa and Latin America don't experience much of a winter. Those regions don't have many winter athletes at all, regardless of color, white, black or brown. Complete ignorance.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I just want basketball back,because I want the Celtics to win an 18th.

Jon S.

Isn't it funny how some would wish someone to be fired when they say something "outrageous" that they disagree with.....but they are the 1st to defend someone that they keep their job when they say something "outrageous" that they do agree with? Integrity?
Yeah, with "slaves" making $15 mil a year?:rofl2:


And for the record, I hope the NBA doesn't play a single game this season... neither I nor anyone I know would miss a thing. :2 cents:
Charles Barkley criticizes Bryant Gumbel’s comments on David Stern

“I thought they were stupid,” Barkley said. “Disrespectful to black people who went through slavery. When [you're talking about] guys who make $5 million a year.”

Barkleys said that during David Stern’s stint as a commissioner, the average salary has gone from about $300K to $5 million. Barkley said that Stern isn’t holding anyone back from making money. Barkley also said everyone has to realize Stern represents the owners.

The $300K is from 1984, Barkley's rookie year
"white people love Wayne Brady because he makes Bryant Gumble look like Malcolm X" - paul mooney, chapelles show

i digged the overseer comment he is a slavemaster basically. gumble isn't as uncle tom as he appears

Do you take your helmet off when you post on here?? Stern is a slavemaster basically? That's the stupidest thing I've ever read, and I've read a lot of bigmanharris' posts. ;) Last I checked, slaves were treated like garbage, beaten, killed and weren't paid millions of dollars to play a game, and millions more to wear a brand new pair of shoes every fucking day.

Explain yourself.


milf n' cookies
Yeah, with "slaves" making $15 mil a year?:rofl2:


And for the record, I hope the NBA doesn't play a single game this season... neither I nor anyone I know would miss a thing. :2 cents:

Very well said Sir!! I completely agree 100%! :thumbsup:



For the EMPEROR!!
This guy either, has racist issues of his own, or he's trying to get a ratings boost.

Maybe both.