NBA '11/'12 Thread

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I would like to know who the bitching owners who allegedly stopped the Chris Paul trade from happening. It wasnt like the lakers got him dirt cheap, what would be the problem with the deal? Why didnt anyone complain about Miami Heat last offseason or the Knicks trading for Carmelo Anthony?

The trade was fair for all parties involved. What would the problem be.
The trade was fair for all parties involved. What would the problem be.
it goes against everything that they fought for in this lockout
I would like to know who the bitching owners who allegedly stopped the Chris Paul trade from happening. It wasnt like the lakers got him dirt cheap, what would be the problem with the deal? Why didnt anyone complain about Miami Heat last offseason or the Knicks trading for Carmelo Anthony?

The trade was fair for all parties involved. What would the problem be.

New Orleans got a lot of good players in this deal. Martin, Odom, Scola, Dragon AND a 1st rounder?

The owners bitching are the ones who would have lost out on Paul.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
First couple of hours after the agreement is ratified and already they're starting shit again...
I wonder if the players union is going to do anything about this. They just fought for months for the right for players to choose where they want to go and Stern is going to try and stop that? Is this collusion?

Odom, Martin, Scola and Houston's 1st round pick? Or nothing at the end of the season? :rofl: I honestly believe New Orleans came out pretty fucking good in his trade.

I doubt we've heard this end of this.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I wonder if the players union is going to do anything about this. They just fought for months for the right for players to choose where they want to go and Stern is going to try and stop that? Is this collusion?

Odom, Martin, Scola and Houston's 1st round pick? Or nothing at the end of the season? :rofl: I honestly believe New Orleans came out pretty fucking good in his trade.

I doubt we've heard this end of this.

I want to know exactly what the Rockets were thinking when they agreed to give up all their players AND a first draft pick for the Lakers. Something about that seems fucked up to me. Gasol isn't worth that much.
2 new reports. Chris is weighing the thought of a lawsuit against the NBA. Dwight Howard will now apparently ask the Magic to trade him the.......wait for it....wait for it...........The Nets, Yes the soon to be Brooklyn Nets.

anyone buying the second story?


knows petras secret: she farted.
chris paul.. a laker. man.

thanks for the updates, im far too lazy to look this shit up myself, div.
2 new reports. Chris is weighing the thought of a lawsuit against the NBA. Dwight Howard will now apparently ask the Magic to trade him the.......wait for it....wait for it...........The Nets, Yes the soon to be Brooklyn Nets.

anyone buying the second story?

I wonder if Howard will change his mind now that Chris isn't going to the Lakers.
I want to know exactly what the Rockets were thinking when they agreed to give up all their players AND a first draft pick for the Lakers. Something about that seems fucked up to me. Gasol isn't worth that much.

the only logical explanation i could think of is trying to free up cap space to make a run at named free agents. There have been rumblings about them going after Nene.
Houston wanted Gasol, and wanted to get rid of Kevin Martin's contract. Still, they got fucked in this deal. Martin, Scola AND 1st? Who else plays for that team?? Courteny Lee, Chase Budinger and who else?? Bad trade for Houston.
Lol. First it looked like Chris Paul and Dwight Howard were going to LA. Now it looks like neither is.

For the record, the NBA rejecting the Paul deal was gutless. Though I'm not complaining.
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