NBA '11/'12 Thread

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at least its not as bad as in the nfl. compared to those guys..

As bad as the NFL is it has nothing on the NBA and all these assholes trying to consolidate into their own little all star teams. Some fucking asshole tried that shit with Kevin Love in LA. Can't remember which player it was that tried talking shit about Kevin leaving the Wolves.
If Kevin Love ever left the T-Wolves, he doesnt have the ego to do what LeBron and Chris Bosh did, or what Chris Paul now wants to do. If he leaves Minnesota, he will go to the team that he thinks fits his game best, he wont leave to be a ring chaser like so many past NBA greats have been.
If Kevin Love ever left the T-Wolves, he doesnt have the ego to do what LeBron and Chris Bosh did, or what Chris Paul now wants to do. If he leaves Minnesota, he will go to the team that he thinks fits his game best, he wont leave to be a ring chaser like so many past NBA greats have been.

KL has never come off as anything other than pure class to me. I don't see it, but I don't know the specifics of his contract, so maybe we have him 3 more years? :dunno:
One of my pet peeves is when players try to make their own future. Carmelo jobbed the Nuggets, held the team hostage for the longest of time, now because of him, Chris Pauls agent (allegedly) will not get the trade he wants because the Knicks have absolutely nothing the Hornets want in return. They gave up all their tradeworhty assets in the trade to get Carmelo. If he wants to end up in NYC, he will have to play the season out than walk away from New Orleans. Sadly because of the Miami Heat last year, the NBA has become a league where players now WANT to make their future with star studded teams, and its annoying to me, and itll be harmful for the NBA long term, in that it will destroy the competitive balance and make it for 2 or 3 quality teams per conference.

Big time truth. I really thought the lockout would fix some of the things Miami started, but it didn't.

So what's the over/under on the amount of teams that win titles in the next 12 years? 3?
at least its not as bad as in the nfl. compared to those guys..

Agree. The NFL is much worse than the NBA.

What Palmer and Cutler did is much worse than what Lebron and Carmelo did. At least Lebron and Melo honored most of their contracts. Palmer and Cutler quit on their fans and organization and forced their way out. You also don't see the constant holdouts or players demanding for new contracts midway through their current contracts. not saying this doesn't happen in the NBA, but it's just not as common.

As bad as the NFL is it has nothing on the NBA and all these assholes trying to consolidate into their own little all star teams. Some fucking asshole tried that shit with Kevin Love in LA. Can't remember which player it was that tried talking shit about Kevin leaving the Wolves.

What's going on in the NBA is players taking advantage of free-agency. Players have the option to go to any team they what(which is what free agency is). In the past, players would go to teams that offered the most money. Now, players are going to teams that give them the better chance of winning.

It funny how we use to criticize NBA athletes about being greedy and selfish, now, they're making sacrifices and being unselfish and we still criticize.
Agree. The NFL is much worse than the NBA.

What Palmer and Cutler did is much worse than what Lebron and Carmelo did. At least Lebron and Melo honored most of their contracts. Palmer and Cutler quit on their fans and organization and forced their way out. You also don't see the constant holdouts or players demanding for new contracts midway through their current contracts. not saying this doesn't happen in the NBA, but it's just not as common.

What's going on in the NBA is players taking advantage of free-agency. Players have the option to go to any team they what(which is what free agency is). In the past, players would go to teams that offered the most money. Now, players are going to teams that give them the better chance of winning.

It funny how we use to criticize NBA athletes about being greedy and selfish, now, they're making sacrifices and being unselfish and we still criticize.
LOL at this whole post, but I'd like you to explain how the above-highlighted excerpt is good for the league?

How in the blue hell does players leaving their small-market teams do good for the overall health of the National Basketball Association???

Of all my "major" four sport teams here, I honestly could do without the NBA in its current format. At least in the NFL and NHL you have a general overall chance for every team, and the MLB is what it is - America's sport.
LOL at this whole post, but I'd like you to explain how the above-highlighted excerpt is good for the league?

How in the blue hell does players leaving their small-market teams do good for the overall health of the National Basketball Association???

Of all my "major" four sport teams here, I honestly could do without the NBA in its current format. At least in the NFL and NHL you have a general overall chance for every team, and the MLB is what it is - America's sport.

I'm talking more in general about the players, not the structure of the NBA. Sure, I would like for players in small-markets to stay, but why should they?

Maybe there should be a significant salary loss if players decide to go to different teams? :dunno:

I'm a Denver Broncos fan, and we never sign big-time free agents. Actually, I'm pretty confident we'll never sign a big-time free agent. Not until we become successful.
please, please, please get rid of vince carter!


Pretty sure that's gonna happen.

Big time truth. I really thought the lockout would fix some of the things Miami started, but it didn't.

So what's the over/under on the amount of teams that win titles in the next 12 years? 3?

Let's see.....Miami, Los Angeles (cuz you know they're gonna someone eventually like Dwight Howard), Chicago...... not sold on OK City. If the Clippers had any other owner, I'd say they'd have a legit chance. It sounds blasphemous, but they have a very good young core (Griffin, Gordon - the most underrated player in the league, Jordan, Bledsoe). If only Sterling wasn't such a cheapass that he gave up Kyrie Irving/Derrick Williams just to get rid of Baron Davis....

Anyway, that makes 3 teams, yup.

I hope my Bulls improve at 2 guard. I'd like them to pick up J-Rich, they need to give D-Rose some help in the backcourt.

Take him. Please!

Btw rwill, you are not a frontrunner. You've like them forever. Just as I'm not a frontrunner-hater. I've always hated the Heat as a Magic fan, even when they weren't that good.
Let's see.....Miami, Los Angeles (cuz you know they're gonna someone eventually like Dwight Howard), Chicago...... not sold on OK City. If the Clippers had any other owner, I'd say they'd have a legit chance. It sounds blasphemous, but they have a very good young core (Griffin, Gordon - the most underrated player in the league, Jordan, Bledsoe). If only Sterling wasn't such a cheapass that he gave up Kyrie Irving/Derrick Williams just to get rid of Baron Davis....

Anyway, that makes 3 teams, yup.

I don't think L.A lands Howard and I think I'm on record saying the Clippers win 50 games this coming season. Since the schedule is shortened, I say they hit 38 wins and grab a 5-6 seed. They're going to be good.

Also, rwill has definitely been a Heat fan for at least as long as I've been here. Definitely not a bandwagon guy!
Reports say the Chicago Bulls are expressing interest in Caron Butler, Jason Richardison , and Nick Young. Also,sources say Chicago will also entertain a return for Tyson Chandler.
Do you think they're a 2 away from winning it all?

Yes. All they are missing is a shooting guard who can play along side Rose and be that number two option, that can pick up the slack if Rose has a down night. You saw it in the Miami series where the Heat just zeroed in on Rose and he struggled in that series.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i like the bulls. always have, but im really looking forward to seeing how they do this next partial season.

if they get someone like richardson on their team, they would be a force to be reckoned with.

also, with tyson chandler.. now that would be interesting.
Lakers to sign Jason Kapono.

Raptors to sign Jamal Magloire.

Hawks to sign Tracy McGrady.

Sebastian Telfair to sign with Phoenix.

Roger Mason to sign with Wizards.

T.J Ford to sign with San Antonio.

San Antonio Spurs use Amnesty clause on Richard Jefferson.

Chris Paul linked to L.A Clippers and Golden State. Chris Paul also vocal about being paired with Tyson Chandler.

Orlando has begun talks with L.A regarding Howard.

Caron Butler has met with the Bulls, Clippers, Spurs and Nets. Bulls considered favourites at this point.

Shane Battier leaning towards Miami.

Grant Hill likely to sign with Phoenix, but also interested in L.A, L.A Clippers, Chicago, Miami, San Antonio and New York.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
CP3 was traded to the Lakers

Gasol to the Rockets

Odom to the Hornets

It hasn't happened yet, has it? Most sites are saying this is just a rumour.
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