Boston, Phoenix. I'd rather not play LeBron or Kobe. Utah doesn't lose at home. That's dangerous in a 2-3-2 format. Phoenix has no chance in hell of keeping all of our shooters in check. Though for some reason Amare always kills us.
I've always thought the 2-3-2 format favours the lower seed. I like the 2-2-1-1-1 format much better.
PHX is such a wild card. They can run you off the floor in a heartbeat, and other times they'll totally forget to play an D whatsoever. (Not that their D is any good to begin with)
If Utah wins a road game, in any series, that could be the series. They're too good at home. It's crazy how different of a team they can be.
San Antonio...meh. I don't think they have another title in them. Time to rebuild around George Hill and Dejuan Blair IMO.
Lakers. Most frustrating team in the playoffs.

Best starting 5, but no bench and no killer instinct.
Cavs. Still the Lebron show. Someone please beat them.
Celtics. They're playing better than I thought they would. The series should be 2-0 Boston if it wasn't for Lebron getting all the calls in game 1. I hope they beat Cleveland and get whooped by the Magic. I hate the Celtics.
Magic. Probably the most well rounded team in the league. An inside/out game. Deadly shooters and killer defenders.
If I had to choose, I'd want the Lakers to play Phoenix and then Boston. But I think Orlando is coming out of the East again.