good to see i aint the only one cheering for the heat
I want the Heat to win, but I don't think they have a realistic chance to win. Miami should have one last night. Boston played like shit, but Miami played worse. 15 points over the last 19 minutes? Sad.
Lakers locked down on OKC today.
Lakers held Durant to 24 points on 7-24 shooting.
Bynumite and Gasol combined for 25 boards.
Odom is back on the bench with the 2nd unit.
Phil Jackson is 45-0 after winning game 1.
Kobe shot just as bad as Durant with 21 points on 6-19 shooting.
Kobe also fouled out.
Fisher got worked by Westbrook.
Not much production from the bench.
These cons don't really bother me. L.A has the depth to get past a cold shooting day for Kobe. Besides, this series is going to be won from the inside out. Bynum/Gasol/Odom are going to dominate OKC in the paint. They just can't matchup with L.A.
Fisher always gets out played by the opposing point guard. Nothing new there.
Oh well. We're up 1-0. All that matters. :thefinger