Naughty Olsen Twins


That's gotta be fake, but it looks a good fake.
shit they dont have enough boob between themselves to even have one boob as big as those.
i dont know, i never really looked at them like that. But from what i ear with that anorexia the one has, theres too much juice meat on one of them to be anorexic.
This one's been posted before, and I'll say now what I said then: it's a well-done fake, but a fake nonetheless. How can I be so certain? Because the girls in this photo have curves.
my god, it is a fake, but still, imagine if they were actually like that and were willing to strip down to basically nothing, most guys would explode
:rubbel: :hit:
parker said:
The "fake rating" on it was only a C+. I'd be curious to see what an A looks like, because this fake seemed fairly convincing to my eyes. :dunno:

It was only the fact that the real Olsens have stick figure bodies that gave it away for me. :D
I would have to agree. the pictures seemed to be blended perfectly. i mean they are being harsh if the gave them the por grade due to body type :)