She's one of the most boring in porn when it comes to her sets and poses... dear god it's so monotonous. She's cute as a button and has a hell of a body though, fapped to her many a time.
I agree with the comments of tr1ckster, she is hot and cute but all her sets are always the same. I have commented previously how she seems to have spent all day in one room shooting different sets. Must of had a suitcase full of lingerie.
I agree with the comments of tr1ckster, she is hot and cute but all her sets are always the same. I have commented previously how she seems to have spent all day in one room shooting different sets. Must of had a suitcase full of lingerie.
Sorry, The link I posted at #961 doesn't work from here but if you want a ******* with several Desi movies, go to The Pirate Bay and search under Naughty at home.
Most of the movies are 10 - 15 minites each.
I downloaded one and it worked alright.
Hope this helps
Maybe time to wind up this thread. Every second post is something I've already seen and the newer ones are exactly the same pics in the same positions even the same *@#!ing room.
I no longer search the net for somthing new and interesting from her and just drop by here to see if anyone else has found something worth looking at.