Natural Disaster Thread!!

I also think there is no real increase in natural disasters. Media reporting makes them front page news and through global media we find out about all the earthquakes and volcanoes along with pictures/videos in every corner of the globe, whereas in previous decades it'd only make local news. Also the last 50 odd years have seen booms in civilian aviation, cars, high rise accomodation as well as increased populations, so when disaster strikes death tolls are often higher esp when buildings/bridges collapse with many people inside. The Iceland volcano would'nt have even been major news if it hadn't disrupted air travel across Europe, when it last erupted it was just as bad but made little news as very few people were directly affected.

Not sure of the time frame but China just had a 7+ quake which killed about 500 people, the 7+ Chilean quake killed hundreds of people, there was 7+ quake recently in Mexico fortunately it was centered in a sparsely populated area, Haiti 7+...this was all within a year.

That's happened in your recent memory?
Not sure of the time frame but China just had a 7+ quake which killed about 500 people, the 7+ Chilean quake killed hundreds of people, there was 7+ quake recently in Mexico fortunately it was centered in a sparsely populated area, Haiti 7+...this was all within a year.

That's happened in your recent memory?

There have always been earthquakes like this, but as population and infrastructure increase they do more damage. 7+ earthquakes in the open areas will be hardly noticed, however many countries (especially china and south america) are building more into these areas as their populations grow and industry expands so these once harmless earthquakes begin to seem more aggressive. Also the number of seismic stations has increased from 350 in 1931 to several thousand today so every earthquake anywhere gets recorded and various stats taken given the views of more earthquakes, lesser developed countries in the past like in asia, africa and south america would not even have had the equipment to measure any earthquakes and when they happened there is little chance that anyone outside of the country would have heard about it. Some of the biggest earthquakes (8-9) occured 50-100 years ago and the modern ones only seem more destructive as we see a lot of damage from poorly contructed infrastructure (cost cutting in most non westen countries) and ultimately large number of casualties.
There have always been earthquakes like this, but as population and infrastructure increase they do more damage. 7+ earthquakes in the open areas will be hardly noticed, however many countries (especially china and south america) are building more into these areas as their populations grow and industry expands so these once harmless earthquakes begin to seem more aggressive. Also the number of seismic stations has increased from 350 in 1931 to several thousand today so every earthquake anywhere gets recorded and various stats taken given the views of more earthquakes, lesser developed countries in the past like in asia, africa and south america would not even have had the equipment to measure any earthquakes and when they happened there is little chance that anyone outside of the country would have heard about it. Some of the biggest earthquakes (8-9) occured 50-100 years ago and the modern ones only seem more destructive as we see a lot of damage from poorly contructed infrastructure (cost cutting in most non westen countries) and ultimately large number of casualties.

We all know (or should know) that earthquakes are not new occurrences, they've happened in world history before and in some cases on a higher magnitude scale.

The media isn't over-reporting this. It IS news when scores or hundreds or thousands of people die as a result of earthquake (or other disaster).

To that point, most recently mother Earth has been kicking our asses.

You pin it on population and infrastructure creep...:dunno: Isn't the score still the same though?

You may say she's kicked our asses before blah, blah, blah....but that doesn't diminish my simple point of us getting our asses kicked now.


Postal Paranoiac
The Bush presidency was a natural disaster.
The Pacific NW is next in line for a huge earthquake... The Oregonian told me so. C'mon nature, give us our 9+! Bring it mothafucka!!!
We all know (or should know) that earthquakes are not new occurrences, they've happened in world history before and in some cases on a higher magnitude scale.

The media isn't over-reporting this. It IS news when scores or hundreds or thousands of people die as a result of earthquake (or other disaster).

To that point, most recently mother Earth has been kicking our asses.

You pin it on population and infrastructure creep...:dunno: Isn't the score still the same though?

You may say she's kicked our asses before blah, blah, blah....but that doesn't diminish my simple point of us getting our asses kicked now.

So your point in creating this thread is to say that the Earth (just like it has been for the hundreds of thousands of years we as a species have inhabited it and indeed prior to that (more so even)) is a bitch?

Well, alrighty then. :hatsoff:
So your point in creating this thread is to say that the Earth (just like it has been for the hundreds of thousands of years we as a species have inhabited it and indeed prior to that (more so even)) is a bitch?

Well, alrighty then. :hatsoff:

Mother earth has been KICKING our asses the last couple of years. Earthquake after earthquake...volcanoes grounding us haha.....


Just a thread reflecting on some of the latest ass kicks mother earth has doled out to us. There is a wider point but if you don't get it, you don't get it.

I will freely admit however, it's not as prodigious as some threads which ponder if shits make you question your sexuality, which porn star do we think stinks or David Cameron being struck by an egg...but hopefully with a little hard work my threads will ascend such intellectual heights.:o
Just a thread reflecting on some of the latest ass kicks mother earth has doled out to us. There is a wider point but if you don't get it, you don't get it.

I will freely admit however, it's not as prodigious as some threads which ponder if shits make you question your sexuality, which porn star do we think stinks or David Cameron being struck by an egg...but hopefully with a little hard work my threads will ascend such intellectual heights.:o

No need to get defensive. You just made a rookie mistake that's all. I'm sure if you had gone down the whole "2012" path, proselytising God's infinite wrath and how we should all seek His mercy and such you would have reached those intellectual heights. But you held back and that, in the long run, was your ultimate downfall.
I think it's just the media covering it more after what happened to Haiti. I'm sure these happen all the time back in the day when there was no news to report it to the world.
No need to get defensive. You just made a rookie mistake that's all. I'm sure if you had gone down the whole "2012" path, proselytising God's infinite wrath and how we should all seek His mercy and such you would have reached those intellectual heights. But you held back and that, in the long run, was your ultimate downfall. I'm certain You Missed the point. I it wasn't intended to be as cryptic as it apparently is to you.

Hint...nada to do with 2012 or any of that line of thinking...sheeesh. I'm certain You Missed the point. I it wasn't intended to be as cryptic as it apparently is to you.

Hint...nada to do with 2012 or any of that line of thinking...sheeesh.

Yeah, yeah.... back track all you want Mega, we all know your true intentions here. You're just another one of those "special people" as I like to call them who want to spread their lies and bullshit to the rest of us in order to covert us and turn us into loyal lapdogs for your false prophets which is just laughable because I'm sorry, that just isn't going to happen. There are just one to many rational minds here to see past your lies. Your promises of false hope and salvation mean nothing to us.

I will give you credit, you hid yourself pretty well for at least a page. But like the rest of your brethren the curtains were opened and the true nature of your plans here were uncovered and brought to the surface for all to see. You snake!

Nice try HM! Better luck next time..... :hatsoff:
Yeah, yeah.... back track all you want Mega, we all know your true intentions here. You're just another one of those "special people" as I like to call them who want to spread their lies and bullshit to the rest of us in order to covert us and turn us into loyal lapdogs for your false prophets which is just laughable because I'm sorry, that just isn't going to happen. There are just one to many rational minds here to see past your lies. Your promises of false hope and salvation mean nothing to us.

I will give you credit, you hid yourself pretty well for at least a page. But like the rest of your brethren the curtains were opened and the true nature of your plans here were uncovered and brought to the surface for all to see. You snake!

Nice try HM! Better luck next time..... :hatsoff:


*****BB's point is about to be exploded*****

If what you say is true BB, why did I couch the entire thread as physical entity (mother earth) as opposed to some metaphysical entity (divinity) as you allude to?

Nice try but BB too slow....:tongue:
Warning!!! *****BB's point is about to be exploded*****

If what you say is true BB, why did I couch the entire thread as mother earth as opposed to some divinity as you allude to?

Oh come on, the whole "mother earth" angle is just you and your kinds way of giving the Earth some sort of pantheistic abstract metaphysical conciousness that is obviously to the rational minded among us; completely ridiculous.

Sir, I believe the correct terminology here is: pwned!

Oh come on, the whole "mother earth" angle is just you and your kinds way of giving the Earth some sort of pantheistic abstract metaphysical conciousness that is obviously to the rational minded among us; completely ridiculous.

Sir, I believe the correct terminology here is: pwned!

I gathered BB....and mother earth was merely a figure of speech.

But can't I play along?
....and mother earth was merely a figure of speech.

Why the hell not...

Yeah right! I'll say it again, YEAH RIGHT! It's all well and good to say it was a figure of speech now when you've had your ass handed to you by this intellectual heavyweight in order to save some of that macho male ego you like to throw around here every fucking day. But no, now it's time to put up or shut up, your underhanded tactics to subvert the very nature of the board with your weak logic and higher "mystical" magic were wrong, you should have just admitted it and told us all. Maybe then we could have talked this through like a couple of adults rather than having to jump to such tactics.

But no, you really are a disgrace!
Why the hell not...

Yeah right! I'll say it again, YEAH RIGHT! It's all well and good to say it was a figure of speech now when you've had your ass handed to you by this intellectual heavyweight in order to save some of that macho male ego you like to throw around here every fucking day. But no, now it's time to put up or shut up, your underhanded tactics to subvert the very nature of the board with your weak logic and higher "mystical" magic were wrong, you should have just admitted it and told us all. Maybe then we could have talked this through like a couple of adults rather than having to jump to such tactics.

But no, you really are a disgrace!

(Translation; BB is bored.)