They aren't increasing, it's just the fact that the media seem to reporting them more often than they have been in years past.
Large earthquakes in fact are occurring at a pretty stable rate.
Or something about 2012, that's what people really want to talk about, right........![]()
Hmmm...I can't recall in my life time as many in a short period of time causing this much death. Hundreds of people just died in China...they are so common we're not even making a big deal out of 4 or 5 hundred people die in China.
Mother nature is the ball
It's all about hyping up 2012. I can't wait to piss on the Mayans and Nostradamus when 2013 comes. Metaphorically of course....
They aren't increasing, it's just the fact that the media seem to reporting them more often than they have been in years past.
Large earthquakes in fact are occurring at a pretty stable rate. Volcanoes eruptions also seem to be happening on a pretty even rate as well.
Or something about 2012, that's what people really want to talk about, right........![]()
BlueBalls is still a twat, though.
Not a dick head though, right?
"Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which increases earthquakes,"
Gentlemen, I have come to bring you truth. For this is not what the heathen scientists have lead you to believe. This ridiculous notion of "plate tectonics" is blasphemy! NO, science and plate tectonics do not exist and those that believe in them are surely going to burn in the fiery depths of hell for all eternity.
For you see it is the evil women and their breasts and lack of testicles that are the cause of all of the hardship. If only these whores of Satan would remove themselves from civilised society, forcibly if necessary to be shunned by all, only to be brought out to cook or to penetrate then the entire world would be a far safer place than it is today. God would obviously not be vengeful.
Damn you vile temptresses! Leave us alone and stop trying to tempt us into sin!