Nastiest Video Ever!!! (Warning: This Might Shock You)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Damnnn I found this nastiest video ever!! I'm straight though

:clicks on link:

Mmmkay. Ahh, some mildly attractive, scratch that...some mildly attractive shemales. Mmm hmm.

Ok, now they're taking their shirts off. Nice. Ooh, good boob jobs. Two thumbs up.

:slowly getting erect:

Alright, now one of them is kissing the camera man. Huh...I wonder if he knows that's a shemale. Eh...

Ok, now she's taking his pants off. This is getting kind of hot.

:pulls penis out of underwear:

Down they come...I wonder what his penis is going to look like. Alright, almost there aaaaand...



This is...OOOOOH, oh God...this is...this is HOT!!!


Christmas has come early this year!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

...and a manginahavingweirdosuckingtrannycock iiiiin a peeeear treeeeeeeee.

Hmm. Not wankable but pretty cool. Not the first time I've seen a male "wide receiver". :)

Perhaps more concerning was a message I received on that page in what at first glance appeared to be an advertisement:


Hey there I can't stand it anymore I AM SOOO HORNY!!! you've got to help me right away!
click here to reply »

It seems this poor girl is "stuck up the creek without a paddle" so to speak. I sure hope she gets the help she needs!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Boring. Slow download, too.

But, eh.. who.. who ACTUALLY attained 'shocked' status by looking at this? You lightweights. :p
weird yes, but not really all that nasty. :dunno: I've seen FAR worse!

For example someone posted a vid a long time ago about circumcision in africa. All I could say was :eek:

What happen to the circumcision? I dont wanna see the video just tell me what happen
For those of you dont think its nasty or weird, well what if you thought your friend is not shemale or hemale but to find out they are. And when you play sports with the guy and accident hit his groin and to found out that he didn't hurt much
why should I care about my friends genitals? what bearing does that possibly have on anything?
why should I care about my friends genitals? what bearing does that possibly have on anything?

those are two tough ass questions that i certainly would not be able to answer :confused: