Name That Horror Movie Line.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Silence of The Lambs

There are certain RULES that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. For instance, number one: you can never have sex.BIG NO NO! BIG NO NO! Sex equals death, okay? Number two: you can never drink or do drugs. The sin factor! It's a sin. It's an extension of number one. And number three: never, ever, ever under any circumstances say, "I'll be right back." Because you won't be back.

"One from the vaults... Don't be upset. It was a mercy killing. He had a certain naive charm, but no muscle" :2offtopic
Rocky Horror Picture Show

I'm going to fuck you up you fucking mother fucking jobby jabbing fuckwad.

That aint a quote, I just felt like saying that. This is though...

"Is he or isn't he Uncle Ira"
The Exorcist

"Hey. Listen to what I'm saying. There was a room there before. We haven't been moving in circles, the rooms have"


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I believe it is Cube.

'You Don't Know What Death Is!'
Halloween II

"Oh yes, yes baby, fuck my aaaaaasss. I wanna drink that cum from my ass you dirty ass fucking mummy fucker"

Sorry, horror quotes isn't it. Ok here goes from one of the all time greats....

"I tell you, there's something on that island that no white man has ever seen"