Name my duck

You are asking people to offer names...for a plastic duck?

Come the new year could we have a board wide embargo on dumb ass threads?

I would like to apologise to all for trying to add an other touch of humour and levity.Maybe we should only have posts concerning "serious topics" like the credit crunch or terrorism.
I apologise again.
I`m asking for any suggestions for a name to call it.The duck is the same as in the link except mine is black.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.I know i can rely on all you good people for some good ideas.Preferably female based names as bathing with a male duck would be wrong.

How about Oprah.
i would call it Mike Litoris ...
You lot are Quackers.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Baby Huey.