Naked pics of your buddies girl

oh my fucking god dude, thats genious! i could rep you, i would

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Naked pics of your buddies girl

C'mon man! There's a goddamn apostrophe in the title of the video already. All you had to do was follow the same format. :mad: But no, you still fucking missed it. Did you do this on purpose to annoy me? I swear to Christ, I'll choke you if you did...

[/rant] Sorry, I feel very strongly about the plight of apostrophes...
C'mon man! There's a goddamn apostrophe in the title of the video already. All you had to do was follow the same format. :mad: But no, you still fucking missed it. Did you do this on purpose to annoy me? I swear to Christ, I'll choke you if you did...

[/rant] Sorry, I feel very strongly about the plight of apostrophes...

I did, in fact, do that just for you.

Thank you for noticing.

Thats wonderful!