My new shitlist. need to settle down man. Take a shot, smoke a joint, do whatever it is you need to do to calm the hell down......

Just sayin'.
Maybe Blue is just a little Blue and soon he will cheer on up and stop singing the Blues...

hehe :D
PirateKing is now on my ~~Whimsy~~ watch list... I'll take the rep I just gave you back now. You keep it up you will make it to my peelist... and third time you fuck up. Shit list! Otherwise known as toilet paper, where you will wipe my ass, daily!


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
PirateKing is now on my ~~Whimsy~~ watch list... I'll take the rep I just gave you back now. You keep it up you will make it to my peelist... and third time you fuck up. Shit list! Otherwise known as toilet paper, where you will wipe my ass, daily!
Bah! I'm not scared of your list! You should be scared of MY list. Oh yeah, thats right. I didn't tell you about my list did I? Compared to my list your feeble peelist and shitlist seem like champagne and caviar!

if you don't find yourself listed here you are free to use my catchphrases.

If you are listed here prepare for me to smite you.

(ps I don't know if I should have listed Admins but one has refused my sexual advances and it pissed me off)

Well, at least you're bipartisan. ;)


My Penis Is Dancing!
I had a shitlist, but I accidentally took it to the grocery. Should have seen the fucked up shit I bought.
Now, my shit list consists of eggs, tomatoes, celery, chicken wings and the cocksucking bastard of them all, apples. Fuck you, apples.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I can just see Blue all dressed up like Kurt Russel in Tombstone saying. "Alright you called down the thunder, well now you've got it"!
He was banned for a good bit and maybe he doesn't know he's allowed to be back.

Then again, Will E was banned for a bit, he hasn't posted any since his return yet he returns to the board each day.

Perhaps they are now mute.
Don't worry STDiva. I think this is a list of sexual fantasies. That's why he's so pissed off and calls it the shit-list. He finally got slapped by reality.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
How the fuck did I not end up on somebody's shit list? :mad:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Because you're a dickhead. Not shitty.

Touché. So... does that mean I'd be at the top of the dickhead list? Who does that better than me?