My Kind Of Diet: Eat Twinkies, Lose Weight!

Losing weight = good!

Getting diabetes = bad!

Well he did limit himself to 1,800 calories a day and had the will power to keep within that range. I wonder if he did any physical exercise or activities whilst on this junk food experiment? Either way it will catch up with someone if they continue this on a regular basis, I suspect. As well as depending on each individual's metabolism and general body makeup.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Hmm....kind of gives an interesting "opposite side of the spectrum, yet still the same" when you compare this to Supersize Me. What is it about either certain foods, the way food's prepared, or the quantity in which it's eaten affects people adversely? Obviously, he may be onto something here.

In any case, I guess I can no longer feel guilty when I eat a whole box of Twinkies, and yes, I have done it before.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I wonder if he did any physical exercise or activities whilst on this junk food experiment? Either way it will catch up with someone if they continue this on a regular basis, I suspect. As well as depending on each individual's metabolism and general body makeup.

He said in the vid that he did moderate exercise between 1-2 hours a week. Not exactly a gym rat. I would agree this would not be a diet you'd want to do long-term. I do think it points out fallacies that we are led to believe regarding the consumption of certain types of foods however.


Was King of the Board for a Day
It's also saying something that for eating junk food, he ate moderately healthy. He could have gone the way of deep-frying most of that stuff like many others do. I would never consider eating anything like a deep-fried Twinkie, no matter how curious I may be.
He said in the vid that he did moderate exercise between 1-2 hours a week. Not exactly a gym rat. I would agree this would not be a diet you'd want to do long-term. I do think it points out fallacies that we are led to believe regarding the consumption of certain types of foods however.

I skipped the video and just read the article.

No doubt in what you say about fallacies of what people believe about certain foods. Though each individual is made up differently. Where someone can eat a McDouble five times a week and have nothing to show for it around the waist compared to someone who might eat two and gain weight in no time. Or those who casually exercise and lost weight in no time compared to those who exercise rigorously and might only lose a few pounds.

It all comes down to recognizing what you can and should not put in your body. Self-responsibility and taking care of yourself. Interesting article here. Though I wouldn't mind seeing a long term testing on this with a group of participants to see the different results in the end. One group being the same amount of time this nutritionist did and another being up to 6-9 months under observation, of course.

Sparked my interest this article did.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
They need to bring the Chocodile back!
Well how am I going to tell my kids now they can't just eat junk food for a day. Thanks a lot. I guess this does prove it wont be as bad for them as I've always thought. Junk food day every few months. I know they would love it I know I would be sick. I'll stick to a salad.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
What about his teeth? And the his sleep cycle is all messed up from the sugar crash?
What happened to his cholesterol levels? How was his heart? Did he get the shakes? There are so many ways to measure health, weight is not necessarily the best measurement.

Losing weight is easy. Losing weight without shocking your body, and then keeping it off requires a lifestyle change for most people. That's what is hard.
From the article:

His body mass index (BMI) went down from 28.8 to 24.9, and he now weighs 174 pounds.

"That's where the head scratching comes," Haub told CNN. "What does that mean? Does that mean I'm healthier? Or does it mean how we define health from a biology standpoint, that we're missing something?"

His LDL cholesterol dropped from 153 to 123, and his HDL cholesterol rose from 37 to 46, according to his Facebook page.

"I'm not geared to say this is a good thing to do," he told CNN. "I'm stuck in the middle. I guess that's the frustrating part. I can't give a concrete answer."

I find this very interesting. I'd like to know the long term effects still. Because you know some people will now want to try this and only blow up fifty pounds and try and sue for false information and crap. People love to take any kind of excuse they can get to eat what they want and think they will lose weight.


I think the good professor is a major dick. He should no better than to even bother mentioning this experiment to the press. It'll only reinforce dumb shit ideas about dieting specifically the calories in-calories out theory which Taubes and Atkins etc destroyed. How many fatties out there are going to continue scarf down carbs because they think they don't have anything to do with weight gain thanks to this clown?

Give this same junk food diet to 20 other people and let's see how they do. I'll wager 3 quarters of them blow out into fat fucks.


Headline of the Sydney Morning Herald today:

Junk-food diet fat success

Leaner, healthier and happier after a 10-week junk-food diet.


People are about to get even fatter thanks to this moron.


Was King of the Board for a Day
People are about to get even fatter thanks to this moron.

People were and are continuing to get fat even without this moron. People who think getting a "Diet Coke" whilst getting a Big Mac and large fries is "eating healthy" won't be affected by this. People who order a mocha frappucino with whole milk and extra whipped cream, then walk over to sprinkle on cinnamon and chocolate shavings won't be affected by this. People who eat a whole basket of bread, complete with butter, before their meal comes won't be affected by this.

To quote somebody earlier, people are fat (not to mention unhealthy) fucks already, and continuing to get fatter and fuckier even without this new diet.