Well, I can say for certain that some people also decide whether or not they want to watch a scene based on the female talent, however they
do care what color the skin of the guy involved is. They like a certain girl, they get off on interracial porn, so they freak if the girls they like don't do what they personally like. They can't reconcile the notion that they don't get to control what someone else does with their own body because that someone else is in porn, and some people seem incapable of accepting that people who do porn are still human beings.
I've had a conversation before with someone calling everyone who doesn't do IR racists. I pointed out that most IR scenes are racially charged, and some people might not like that and thus eschew IR specifically because
acting racist in those scenes might make them uncomfortable. The guy admitted I could have a point there. He admitted that's essentially a valid reason. He admitted that some of the people deciding not to do IR scenes
might not be racist. After admitting all of that? He said it was fine to call them racist anyway because they're in porn, so it's okay to judge them, lie about them, and generally talk shit and slander them. He supported the notion of talking shit about them in order to shame them into doing what he and others wanted.
So ultimately the guy wasn't complaining about racism. It was just a lot of "Wah! :crybaby:" in order to try and force someone to do something they don't want to.
Some days this board really tests my faith in humanity...