Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I've been wanting to post this ever since I came back to the forum but haven't had the gumption or time until now so here goes. It's a little involved but I need to get this off my chest so I don't even care if y'all read it. I just need to write it so please humor me.
I dearly love my wonderful wife of nearly 40 years. In many ways, I am in love with and treasure her more now than the day we were wed. The woman is a saint....especially staying married to a total degenerate like me all this time. I literally can't imagine my life without her and we have had and continue to have an absolutely wonderful life and marriage together. We're genuine soulmates, partners, lovers and best friends. It's truly one of the great American love stories folks.
HOWEVER, her fucking sister Cynthia is a total pain in my ass and I'm rapidly running out of patience with her. Dilemma is, historically I can't really say or do anything about it due to the obvious rancor it would cause in the family and in my household.
The biggest problem with her is that she is a pushy know-it-all and constantly complains about EVERYTHING. It's a lethal combo, believe me. No wonder she's been divorced three times! The shit nearly hit the fan weekend before last when I came home after a day out doing guy-stuff with my son only to find that my toolshed/workshop had been completely reorganized and "cleaned up"!!! Apparently my wife had unlocked and shown her the interior of the shed while she was visiting and she immediately declared it an intolerable mess, steamrolled the easy-going nature of my dear wife and convinced her that I would somehow appreciate "Cyndi's idea" to clean it up and "put everything where it belongs for you"!!! OMG I can't tell you how pissed I was when I saw what they had done but they were both presenting the action like it was going to be some awesome surprise by which I would be so overwhelmed with gratitude that I would be left speechless. The last part is true....I was indeed left speechless! My blood was boiling but I was trying to hide it so I basically ended up tongue-tied and in shock and stammered some lame reply like "Oh....wow. You guys shouldn't have done this" which they obviously took to mean that I somehow was overflowing with gratitude. So, here I am in the aftermath of this....stunned beyond words really. All of the stuff that only I knew why it was there and what is was for was suddenly somewhere else. It had taken me years to get that shed in the user-friendly condition it had been and now they had undone it all in a single afternoon! Fuck man I was seething inside!!! I wanted to let out a primal scream and choke the shit out of my sister-in-law but I knew inside that I couldn't so I just let it roil inside me as I tried to soak in what had happened to all of my wonderful tools and stuff!!! Godammit it makes me relive it all just writing this.

Then, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Cyndi delivered the coup de grace. I'm just standing there like a total buffoon, stuttering and stammering (I think I even ended up saying the words "thank you" but you have to remember I was not in my right mind) about basically nothing when Cyndi says, "Honestly I don't know how someone can let a place get that filthy to begin with".

I thought my head would explode so I simply excused myself, went into the house, wolfed down a shot of Woodford Reserve, cracked open a beer, plopped down on the couch and turned the TV on after which I just mindlessly sat there and watched whatever was on while I continued to seethe inside. The wife and her sister remained outside fucking around in the flowerbeds or some shit. They're always doing something like that. Constantly. But I digress.
OK, so anyway I just don't know how to handle this. After I had gathered myself together the next morning (and after drinking more than a few shots and beers the remainder of the prior evening for sure), I calmly but explicitly told my wife that I really didn't appreciate what they had done and used her sewing room as an analogy to make her see the way I felt about what they had done to my workshop. Her response (and I hate to appear mysogynistic because I really am not), for lack of a better reference, was typically female. She said, "Well my sewing room is already organized so there would be no reason for you to do it". Arggghhh I had to bite my lip!! Hell of it is, she's right but that was not the point I was trying to make. After considerable discussion, however, I was able to get her to understand my feelings whereupon she said, "It was all Cyndi's idea and you know how pushy she is".
OK, so what would you do here? Do I throw my wonderful but sinfully-passive wife under the bus for letting Cyndi bodyslam her or do I go right to the source of my frustration and have a knock-down drag-out with my sister-in-law? Or....do I simply let it slide and slowly begin the long, arduous endeavor to return my workshop to its old, familiar & comfortable feel (which I will have to do anyway)? Any and all comments are more than welcome....I just feel like there is no action I can take that will leave me in a better position than I am right now other than the latter. And even that isn't going to be any fun. At all.
Anyway, thanks for reading. It was therapeutic for me to write this.
I dearly love my wonderful wife of nearly 40 years. In many ways, I am in love with and treasure her more now than the day we were wed. The woman is a saint....especially staying married to a total degenerate like me all this time. I literally can't imagine my life without her and we have had and continue to have an absolutely wonderful life and marriage together. We're genuine soulmates, partners, lovers and best friends. It's truly one of the great American love stories folks.
HOWEVER, her fucking sister Cynthia is a total pain in my ass and I'm rapidly running out of patience with her. Dilemma is, historically I can't really say or do anything about it due to the obvious rancor it would cause in the family and in my household.
The biggest problem with her is that she is a pushy know-it-all and constantly complains about EVERYTHING. It's a lethal combo, believe me. No wonder she's been divorced three times! The shit nearly hit the fan weekend before last when I came home after a day out doing guy-stuff with my son only to find that my toolshed/workshop had been completely reorganized and "cleaned up"!!! Apparently my wife had unlocked and shown her the interior of the shed while she was visiting and she immediately declared it an intolerable mess, steamrolled the easy-going nature of my dear wife and convinced her that I would somehow appreciate "Cyndi's idea" to clean it up and "put everything where it belongs for you"!!! OMG I can't tell you how pissed I was when I saw what they had done but they were both presenting the action like it was going to be some awesome surprise by which I would be so overwhelmed with gratitude that I would be left speechless. The last part is true....I was indeed left speechless! My blood was boiling but I was trying to hide it so I basically ended up tongue-tied and in shock and stammered some lame reply like "Oh....wow. You guys shouldn't have done this" which they obviously took to mean that I somehow was overflowing with gratitude. So, here I am in the aftermath of this....stunned beyond words really. All of the stuff that only I knew why it was there and what is was for was suddenly somewhere else. It had taken me years to get that shed in the user-friendly condition it had been and now they had undone it all in a single afternoon! Fuck man I was seething inside!!! I wanted to let out a primal scream and choke the shit out of my sister-in-law but I knew inside that I couldn't so I just let it roil inside me as I tried to soak in what had happened to all of my wonderful tools and stuff!!! Godammit it makes me relive it all just writing this.

Then, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Cyndi delivered the coup de grace. I'm just standing there like a total buffoon, stuttering and stammering (I think I even ended up saying the words "thank you" but you have to remember I was not in my right mind) about basically nothing when Cyndi says, "Honestly I don't know how someone can let a place get that filthy to begin with".
I thought my head would explode so I simply excused myself, went into the house, wolfed down a shot of Woodford Reserve, cracked open a beer, plopped down on the couch and turned the TV on after which I just mindlessly sat there and watched whatever was on while I continued to seethe inside. The wife and her sister remained outside fucking around in the flowerbeds or some shit. They're always doing something like that. Constantly. But I digress.
OK, so anyway I just don't know how to handle this. After I had gathered myself together the next morning (and after drinking more than a few shots and beers the remainder of the prior evening for sure), I calmly but explicitly told my wife that I really didn't appreciate what they had done and used her sewing room as an analogy to make her see the way I felt about what they had done to my workshop. Her response (and I hate to appear mysogynistic because I really am not), for lack of a better reference, was typically female. She said, "Well my sewing room is already organized so there would be no reason for you to do it". Arggghhh I had to bite my lip!! Hell of it is, she's right but that was not the point I was trying to make. After considerable discussion, however, I was able to get her to understand my feelings whereupon she said, "It was all Cyndi's idea and you know how pushy she is".
OK, so what would you do here? Do I throw my wonderful but sinfully-passive wife under the bus for letting Cyndi bodyslam her or do I go right to the source of my frustration and have a knock-down drag-out with my sister-in-law? Or....do I simply let it slide and slowly begin the long, arduous endeavor to return my workshop to its old, familiar & comfortable feel (which I will have to do anyway)? Any and all comments are more than welcome....I just feel like there is no action I can take that will leave me in a better position than I am right now other than the latter. And even that isn't going to be any fun. At all.
Anyway, thanks for reading. It was therapeutic for me to write this.