My article on and about coprophilia


I have searched all day and evening, over the Internet, and there is next to nothing about the causes of coprophilia (desire towards or desire with excrement involving others) This leads me to believe that there are either no causes to it, or that no one really knows the causes of it. There was once short website, which said that, coprophiliacs can't appreciate natural nudity or beauty in women, and a short statement on another site, that said it was caused by morbid depression.

I do not believe ether of this explanations, in any way whatsoever, as coprophiliacs have absolutely no problems appreciating the natural or nude beauty of women, as coprophilia is used in conjunction with this, for the coprophiliac to stupify, uglyify, and debase himself, in order to magnify and exaggerate, and make women with men, seem even more delicious and beautiful for each other - whilst they have the pleasure of watching the coprophiliac grovel and squirm - for their amusement, added pleasure, and entertainment. On the matter of morbid depression, most coprophiliacs, are very happy being coprophiliacs, for themselves and others, and do not suffer from any causal or corresponding depression.

Firstly, whist copropilia is often explained as abnormal or a fetish, it is completely and utterly natural, whist there can obviously be some health risks if it is ingested, but most coprophiliacs, just fantasise about eating it, eat very small quantities (usually by chewing it and spitting it out), or just lick and kiss it, as part of humiliation and debasement for others. Faeces, are there, for us to humiliate ourselves or others, for punishment or BDSM entertainment, amusement, and role-play, otherwise they wouldn't exist.

If there are any causes to coprophilia, then these are related to masochism, as coprophilia, is the purest and most laughable form of humiliation, stupification, and uglificiation, which many masochists very much enjoy performing for very beautiful sexy people. Other than this, and these things I have described, coprophillia has no causes at all, and which is why there is next to nothing about the causes of it, on the entire worldwide web.

fantasise about eating it, eat very small quantities (usually by chewing it and spitting it out), or just lick and kiss it

Haven't we all :shy:
This is yet another classic example that just because you have a mind, thoughts and the ability to express them, you should throw yourself in traffic.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Baconsalt never dies....he just assumes the shape of another turd and magically reappears every other month or so. :facepalm:
Baconsalt never dies....he just assumes the shape of another turd and magically reappears every other month or so. :facepalm:


Lets assume it is him, which it probably is. Its immature, its not funny and its a waste of his time and ours. Unless its a mental handicap, which Im sure some board members do suffer, coming back month after month to be inevitably banned is just sad.
I love the sign-off - 2010. Truly gonna be memorable :rolleyes:



I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
This dude is the like the creepy preacher guy from Poltergiest 2, while dirk and bluballs leave me outside the shopping mall, he comes up to me and starts singing hymns.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Thats some SICK SHIT!
What sick horseshiteating bastard even bumped this thread after it had lain dormant for almost 2 months :mad: