My apologies to everyone...

Last night I hijacked a number of threads (I didn't even know what hijacking was, at that moment) and without intentionally breaking the rules I just wanted my thread to become popular and resourceful a little to fast.

I've read the rules but skipped the guidelines on posting.

After a few nasty replies, I was so embarassed that I contacted 3 mods requesting to close my account and delete the thread: "Up your nose!". I was refused this request and was simply given a tag violation.

I'm new at board posting and have a lot to learn but I'm not a "fucking idiot" as I've now been labeled.

I'll study these guidelines on posting and will correct any unacceptable behavior.

I'm sincerely sorry for the aggravation and annoyance I've caused.

Please accept my apologies.

Come on Cloude, give the guy a break. He is admitting he fucked up, thats good enough for me. Rock on marc56, welcome to the board.


Member, you member...
Nice apology, marc.

Hope to see good posts from you for a long time.
Yeah, I'm back... my account had been closed after all... and I thought the exact words that Shifty recommended and figured I'd join another board on the net but after a while I thought that I didn't want to be coward about this and wrote an email to the administrator to re-open... to face the music.

Really no regrets about that. From what I can see on this thread, 11 out of 12 people understood and were cool about my fuck-up which is about 97% of the people. After over a year of being a visitor and reading hundreds of posts from everybody I conclude that this statistic is consistent with the whole of Freeones... 97% of the people are cool.

I didn't join Freeones just to disturb a pile of shit or to just d/l free clips (I could've kept on doing that as a visitor). I joined cause I wanted to be part of the party. So I've got no interest in screwing that up.

I figured just an apology wasn't enuf... this isn't the way to act with people anytime anywhere. The best compensation I can think of is making worthy and ON TOPIC contributions. That's what I came here for in the first place and that's why I wanted the thread "Up your nose!" to be popular.

Thanks a lot to everybody who took time to write in this thread and in my opinion you all deserve rep (soon as I read up on it, I'll send... just wanna make sure I know how rep works before I fuck-up again!). I don't know if I understood the stats about me exactly but I seem to be some 784,000 rep points in the red after only about 1 week of posting.

I think even Cloude has a point in his reply... sometimes it is the best policy to "just shut the fuck up!!!". It's ALWAYS is a good policy to think before saying or doing something stupid.

Let this situation be a lesson to everybody who defies the rules. Ignorance is not an excuse.

BTW, Cloude, I'd like to share a cup of that with ya.
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