Must be the finest hooker in the eastern hemispere

Looking up serendipity online should point to this post. I found this girl while image searching an id for another req. The site is in Russian so I had to translate to find her name & alas I discovered it is an escort agency in Moscow.
Here is a link to one of her galleries (translated to english). Her Russian name is listed as 'ЮЛЯ' translates to 'BUSTLING' :confused: I have seen pictures of Erica Campbell on this kind of site before so I know there's a good chance this is the old bait & switch routine.
Does anyone recognize her from someplace else?


  • Bustling-013.jpg
    245 KB · Views: 572
Re: Must be the finest hooker in the eastern hemisphere

Anybody know her? If these Russian escort services are really employing the girls pictured on their sites then DAMN! It sucks to be a American. John Lennon was a far wiser guy than I thought, those girls really do knock me out. Of course there's always that whole one being born every minute PT Barnum thing. He was pretty sharp too. I did find her on another site still listed the same in Russian but translated to 'Ulya'. Here's that link & a bigger pic.


  • 01.jpg
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Re: Must be the finest hooker in the eastern hemisphere

Found 4 more pics, second set up from bottom of this page, still no luck with an ID. Anybody recognize her from these?

EDIT: Please do not post more than 3 images for Id. Read rules.

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No idea who it is.. but enjoying the site! LMAO.. it says add $40 for anal on some of the profiles!