Rapper X-raided , got convicted for killing a woman after he explained the murder in his lyrics and even showed a picture of the murder weapon on his album cover....
The first fucker to mention Manowar will receive a beating from my granny!.
Seriously. Those bitches are posers who are in it for the loyalty and dedication the Metal fans give. They pretend to live the Metal life. Thus it will provide them with a comfy living, money a house a car women, etc. As long as there are gullible people out there that fall for their lies that is.
It would be nice to believe that they really do live for Metal. It seems it's too good to be true.
I have a cd by a band called Nanowar and they rip the pish out of Manowar and Iron Maiden and other bands. The Number of The Bitch (about a prostitute) and Tricycles of Steel (altered version of a Manowar song).
John Fogerty. The song Lodi was based on an experience he had when they played in Lodi, CA. (what a hell hole that place is) once. They were playing at some bar during Bingo Night, and the owner kept coming over and telling them to turn it down.