Movies that should have ended differently.

There may be spoilers in this thread, so if you don't like your movies ruined, you're gay.

Everybody complains, "well the movie was good, but the ending sucked". Well here's your chance to tell us all how it should have ended.

Pretty In Pink.

Really? Andie chooses rich boy Blane over Duckie? That's bullshit. John Hughes teaching women to be gold diggers. A shame. Duckie and Andie were made for each other.

Reality Bites

Lelaina is an aspiring director and has her choice of Micheal, or Troy. Instead of being with the guy she likes, who appreciates her creativity and artistic vision, she ends up with the piece of shit, going nowhere Troy. WTF is wrong with people? She'll never achieve her dreams with his dead weight holding her back. Fucking women.

Anyway, have at it.


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At the top of my head, The Mist. Dude kills everyone in the car only to have the military arrive right after? Bullshit!
American History X

Lord Of The Rings


Agree with PK about The Mist, the whole point of that ending was to rub it in the guys face

Dawn Of The Dead


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Agree with PK about The Mist, the whole point of that ending was to rub it in the guys face.
I know right? And all the religious crazies in the market probably lived. The ending made it seem like "God" was punishing him.

Also No country for Old Men had a pretty unsatisfactory ending. Not just the cartel finding and killing the guy, but also the assassin getting away at the very end. Also deserving of mention:

Arlington Road
Donny Darko
American Psycho


knows petras secret: she farted.

The giant spider sucked. Pennywise should have been more prevalent in the final battle.

yeah, its been awhile but yeah the spider was... a spider but it wasnt no where as cool or as creepy as pennywise. oh well.


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The giant spider sucked. Pennywise should have been more prevalent in the final battle.
When I think about it every Stephen King movie should have ended differently. I watched Thinner again a few weeks ago, the daughter eating the pie too was screwed up. Also in the Shining Jack just freezes to death in the labyrinth, seriously?


knows petras secret: she farted.
i liked thinner! yeah, her eating that thing was fucked up but it was effective.

i actually really hate happy endings and im not saying that to be dark.
Alien I (the only decent one ): SG Ripley should have been killed / and would have been no lame sequels either //


knows petras secret: she farted.
Alien I (the only decent one ): SG Ripley should have been killed / and would have been no lame sequels either //

aww! but 2.. 2 was so good! granted, ms weaver wasnt a fan of guns but it was a spooky movie.

3, i admit, was a weak one. and resurrection.. well... it had its moments. its a die-hard fan movie only.

you better not be counting that god awful alien vs predator garbage though. alien fans do not consider those as part of the series and neither should you. fox got greedy and tried a mash up. its an abortion at best.

i have no idea why it was so popular.
aww! but 2.. 2 was so good! granted, ms weaver wasnt a fan of guns but it was a spooky movie.

3, i admit, was a weak one. and resurrection.. well... it had its moments. its a die-hard fan movie only.

you better not be counting that god awful alien vs predator garbage though. alien fans do not consider those as part of the series and neither should you. fox got greedy and tried a mash up. its an abortion at best.

i have no idea why it was so popular.

was never impressed with 2/ can't help but compare like to like/ it was a very weak script too/ 3 was fucking awful !!! they should have killed her off in 1! Still a great movie though :thumbsup::hybrid: