There may be spoilers in this thread, so if you don't like your movies ruined, you're gay.
Everybody complains, "well the movie was good, but the ending sucked". Well here's your chance to tell us all how it should have ended.
Pretty In Pink.
Really? Andie chooses rich boy Blane over Duckie? That's bullshit. John Hughes teaching women to be gold diggers. A shame. Duckie and Andie were made for each other.
Reality Bites
Lelaina is an aspiring director and has her choice of Micheal, or Troy. Instead of being with the guy she likes, who appreciates her creativity and artistic vision, she ends up with the piece of shit, going nowhere Troy. WTF is wrong with people? She'll never achieve her dreams with his dead weight holding her back. Fucking women.
Anyway, have at it.
Everybody complains, "well the movie was good, but the ending sucked". Well here's your chance to tell us all how it should have ended.
Pretty In Pink.
Really? Andie chooses rich boy Blane over Duckie? That's bullshit. John Hughes teaching women to be gold diggers. A shame. Duckie and Andie were made for each other.
Reality Bites
Lelaina is an aspiring director and has her choice of Micheal, or Troy. Instead of being with the guy she likes, who appreciates her creativity and artistic vision, she ends up with the piece of shit, going nowhere Troy. WTF is wrong with people? She'll never achieve her dreams with his dead weight holding her back. Fucking women.
Anyway, have at it.