Movie Association Game

Robert Duvall - THX 1138
Very much so. I think its an underrated movie as well...not a GREAT one, but an entertaining's one some might think of...

Christopher Lloyd - Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock
georges said:
clint eastwood- dirty harry
where do you see clint eastwood in sleepy hollow ????? :confused:
I'm not sure to really understand the rules of this thread :dunno:


Staff member
9inch said:
where do you see clint eastwood in sleepy hollow ????? :confused:
I'm not sure to really understand the rules of this thread :dunno:
dirty harry is a movie.


Staff member
qweretyuiopas@ said:
georges what made you think of Clint Eastwood? You had to name an actor or actress in Sleppy Hollow, Clint Eastwood was not in that movie.
i got confused