Move or die


Closed Account
I so totally get this man stabbing a guy for being in the seat he wanted. I don't get what all the fuss is about. Who wouldn't? You're in my seat, I kill you. Simple.

Usually I wait, though, until the guy has walked off the train, then I pull him aside and bludgeon him with a weight or a brick or something.

Don't sit in my seat esse homes.

Someone complain to me oce, first I explain is OK cos I am taking the medication esse, then I kill heem too.


Closed Account
You're lucky I don't neg rep you for that remark. Then you would really have something to complain about, much less wondering why you rep count is so low.

That's what I would do if I was a wanker, which I assume is what you mean.

By the way, it is not the first time someone's has made such a comparison.

It is so old already.

Next time you want to make a stab at someone, at least be so kind as to elucidate your intent. After all, that is what this board is all about - talk.

Geddit? Goddit?



I was joking like you where. But if you werent my comment still stands:p


Closed Account
Oki. Allll good. The world is a crazy place. Someone whipping out a knife on a New York subway is kind of like the old days of subway travel.


Member, you member...

On meds or not, that's no excuse for what he did.
Glad to hear he was caught.


Archive : [ . . ."We heard this bloodcurdling scream and turned around, and the guy was standing up, stabbing this guy repeatedly," Caton said.

Caton said the driver stopped the bus when he became aware of the attack and passengers raced off. A short while later, Caton said he re-boarded along with the bus driver and a trucker who had stopped to see what was happening....'']

OH, Can-i-da :sing:
This crazy world place :o


I highly doubt it was really over a seat lol. The dude quite obviously is a mad dog killer. One who may have had a especially shit day. Though its clear the dude is a sociopath the article as per usual doesnt provide enough information. I mean did the guy ask the dude to leave his seat? Did he try to forcibly eject him and if so did a scuffle break out in which case the knife came into play. Very important questions that would need answers cause from the limited information you are very quick to assume he is a mad dog killer sociopath. And although I am no fan of the death penalty you do know what they say about mad dogs.