so, you are forcing him to accept what you say but he's totally out of line when he says something?
and you think you can simply decide something is funny, period? am i allowed to have a different opinion, or does that make me narrow minded too?
Are you deliberatly missing the point?...what about the opinion of the guy who posted the pic in the first place? He was immediately set upon for it but no one championed
his cause...I think thats what the other guy meant by 'politically correct stick in the ass' and the tired cliche of how we
ALL rush to take the moral high ground first and then sit back and congratulate ourselves for being enlightened.
Now before you hammer ME down...I think it's just the same old language of internet forums in my little old OPINION...since I can't actually prove that anyones convictions online are genuine.
So having said that, frankfully I agree with him...I can't even look at a silly picture, that probably originated from 4chan anyway, on this
porn site and have a chuckle without being reminded AGAIN of horrible right wing narrow minded implications from a liberal point of view over using a word they looked up on wiki...followed up by all the playground pushing match, pissing ground, scorn and general bullshit from all concerned. Even me.
All that has been achieved here is the falling back on cliches in any form just to get applause or troll it up or start a flame war or to be smug or to be hateful or self righteous or bigoted or doesnt matter.
Because everything pertaining to the poster has been spoiled because I've read ALL the replies since and said
'fuck give me a break already'
I cant even come to freeones without seeing this little 'push me shove you' crap?
for fucks sake you guys.