BTW, sorry for the rambling , but I'm in a hurry to go run over cute bunnies in my SUV!!!:nanner:
Dear Misogynist:
The 1950’s wants their attitude towards women back.
Anyone that comes to THIS fucking thread, in THIS fucking forum and has the audacity to be OFFENDED is off his/her fucking nut, or simply has an agenda. Get a fucking life.
This sort of defacto attempt at censorship by playing the "offense" card is at the root of a great many of our problems in the country today. So again: If you are so fucking fragile that seeing a funny picture posted on a message board is stunting your growth as a productive human-being, YOU are offensive to the very essence of what it means to be human and you are wasting precious resources that could best be used by someone who doesn't have a stick up their ass 24/7 and is so insecure that they feel the need to FORCE THEIR OPINION of what is socially acceptable upon those who disagree with them.
Again, those who rail loudest against "intolerance" show themselves to be the most intolerant of all...
If you look at enough of these things you'll see that every race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual-orientation, age group, and culture are all pretty evenly ridiculed.
I never said I was insulted offended or that you don't have the right to say anything.
But, like many conservatives you have some need to whine and cry about how oppressed white, Anglo-Saxon, protestant, males are.
I said your "get the fuck back in the kitchen" was 1950's-esque and you started whining and crying about how you are being stifled. Archie Bunker was funny 35 years ago. The reason he was funny is because he was outdated........35 years ago.
You put up the poster, I said it was lame. Get over it and move on to your hilarious running over bunnies jokes.
As well they should be. No one should be safe when it comes to humor, and no one should have to worry about "BigBrother" trying to tell them what is funny and what isn't. Seriously, we have people being murdered for speaking out against islam, and the last thing we need on a funny-picture thread are the joy-killers insulting people who don't share their sense of humor.
No, honey, AngloSaxon protestant males don't have time to whine and cry as we are too busy working, so that lazy fucks like ACORN can rape the tax-base and PAY people to whine and cry about perceived oppression.
BTW, if you were more perceptive you would realize that it wasn't "I" who posted the thing to begin with, but perhaps in your rage you overlooked that. Now, go make me a sandwich....:tongue:
BTW, if you want something offensive, try this: The idiots in Washington have created a populist outrage that was a very real and very big factor in a man killing himself this past week. According to news reports, David Kellerman (former CEO of Freddie Mac) is leaving behind a wife and young daughter. Apparently the stress of being painted as one of Satan's minions by Obama and Congress was more than he could bear, and this man, who has done less to fuck the American taxpayer than Obama and Congress do on a daily basis, decided to kill himself.....