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Funny that you are disturbed by "stepsister" in 13th position and not "mom" in 5th position...
Or even teenager being so popular. Because teenage is from 13 to 19, so basically 2 out of 7 chances to be legal. And websites usually make them look even younger. That's creepier than stepsister
True, but sometimes stepsister can have same father or mother and then fuki-thing is a criminal act.

No. I believe you are thinking of half-sister. You acquire a stepsister when one of your parents marries someone with a daughter from a previous relationship - the daughter becomes your stepsister. She is not related to you by blood. It's perfectly legal to fuck her.

But don't. :nono: Naughty naughty. You don't want your parents finding out, they want you to be like real brother and sister.
