Postal Paranoiac
The biggest and most powerful atom smasher ever built will be fired up Wednesday by the European science agency CERN. Some fear the creation of dangerous mini black holes. STORY HERE
it seems that the leading numbers of repeat threads are for the atom smasher and Sarah Palin - both potential candidates for world destruction.
at least with palin you can die with a hardon! :thumbsup:
With the atom-smasher, all you get is a Gluon.. (Special scientist/nerd joke)
at least with palin you can die with a hardon! :thumbsup:
Its Wednesday...and we're all still here. Kinda disappointing if you ask me...
Are you saying this thing will kill us all? Any idea when? I got a shit load of bills and loans to pay off, and I really dont feel like paying. That money would be better spent on booze, bitches and burgers.:thumbsup: