Sam Fisher
Yeah, I'm 55 years old. There's a few of us in here around the same age. For those of you who are young, full of vim and vigor, and feel as if you have the world by the tail, far out! I was there once just like you. I didn't care who was president. I was young and my life was pretty good.
When I was born; 1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower was president. Then - Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, and now Obama.
When I got out of the Navy; 1977, Jimmy Carter was president and I thought "cool.. a real down to earth kind of guy - a farmer." (later I realized he should have stayed a farmer)
During Carter's presidency is when I got interested in politics and issues and knew from that day on I was a Conservative Republican. Why? Reagan mostly.
This is why....
I wanted to do things for me, by me. I didn't want the government deciding for me what I needed and what I didn't need. Some day, some of you in here will come to realize the government IS NOT looking out for your best interest. Only you and your family can decide best what is for you.
You will look back on this in about 10 years and say to yourself; "Wow, Sam was right."
When I was born; 1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower was president. Then - Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, and now Obama.
When I got out of the Navy; 1977, Jimmy Carter was president and I thought "cool.. a real down to earth kind of guy - a farmer." (later I realized he should have stayed a farmer)
During Carter's presidency is when I got interested in politics and issues and knew from that day on I was a Conservative Republican. Why? Reagan mostly.
This is why....
I wanted to do things for me, by me. I didn't want the government deciding for me what I needed and what I didn't need. Some day, some of you in here will come to realize the government IS NOT looking out for your best interest. Only you and your family can decide best what is for you.
You will look back on this in about 10 years and say to yourself; "Wow, Sam was right."