Most Influential games ever

Joust would be my vote if we could actually vote on the games. Frogger was a good strat game as you had to time it right to get through the cars or on the logs without sinking on a turtle or get to a gator.

Qbert also is on my personal list. Because to me its a strat game. Want proof of this? How else can you escape the snake or the balls that follow you all over?
About Metal Gear Solid, I think you mean Metal Gear. That is the game that started the Solid Snake era after all.
Tgunz262 said:
I'm not so sure about influential, but Chrono Trigger was excellent.

Chrono Cross was only a decent follow up.

Actually FFIII (US) & Chrono Trigger were influental as well. Gogo is the most mysterious char sides Vincent Valentine. And if I'm correct, FFIII US is the first time we've seen a mog.

Chrono Trigger changed the way FF III does its games. As it aided in the merging of Square & Enix. FF VII, FF III, Chrono Trigger, FF VIII, FF II (US) are also famous for the merging of SquareEnix. FF II (US)' is one reason the name Dragoon Kain is famous.

The spear of Kain is seen in FF IX after all. And FF VIII is the one that put Squall on the map. Squall and Rinoa were I guess the second couple of Squaresoft coming close behind Cloud & Aeris. I mean then came Zidane & Dagger and then Tidus & Yuna.

But FF VII is the most famous. But then again all the square games of FF VII to the current ones. They all are putting SquareEnix on the map. Even Tactics had a hand in it. Because if you don't believe me. FFXII (12) has the city of Invalice.
I'm not sure how much I agree with that list. I'd change a lot of the order. Some of the older stuff was seminal, but not I don't think it was necessarily influential. Pac-Man, for example, was a huge success, but did it really change the way people thought about games? I'm not so sure about that.

Personally, I think Legend of Zelda should top off that list. Think of all that was accomplished with that game. For the first time ever, you had a massive, free-roaming environment. You had file saving- a complete revolutionary idea that is now completely essential to any game. You were not handed levels one at a time- but you had to figure them out by yourself. It was an action game and a puzzle game at once. With Zelda, games were not just fun little challenges, but they now held the potential to become worlds unto themselves.
I would add Quake 1 as the first well-known game to ever had used the mouse for the aim and created a single nervous gameplay that made what quake is :2 cents:
lovethedawgs said:
I think the first John Madden Football should be on there. Who would have thought back then that it would become the biggest-sellling sports game and still be going this long? It set the standard for how sports games - not just football - are presented and played.
ABSOLUTELY! You also have to include Mortal Kombat. Maybe not the best gameplay, but it ushered in the era of bloodiness and violence in games today. it was a big risk and very innnovative when it hit the market!


It's good to be the king...
heres my list, albeit the positioning means nothing...

Pong - more or less the game that started it all
SF2 - Made the fighting genre take the world by storm
Pacman - this little yellow buddy gobbled quaters and time
DragonsLair - First ever laserdisc game
Pole Position - Was it the first "real" racing game
Legend of Zelda - we all know this one
Civilization - For you TBS gamers, this series has outsold all TBS games
Mortal Kombat - Yes spawned by SF, but different graphics and lots of gore
Duck Hunt - Ok, there are better shooters out there, but this was first.