Most degrading porn?

well this thread is a really cheer up, isn't it?

I actually totally agree with you ash, but one thing kinda sticks in my OCD for accuracy... how can you be 'willing' to be r***d? the act is generally defined by non-willingess, so you can;t really be willing to be non-willing.

(I self censored that one, as I think that is a topic that is frowned upon for discussion and I don't really want to either. I was moreso just nitpicking about language conventions.)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
well this thread is a really cheer up, isn't it?

I actually totally agree with you ash, but one thing kinda sticks in my OCD for accuracy... how can you be 'willing' to be r***d? the act is generally defined by non-willingess, so you can;t really be willing to be non-willing.

(I self censored that one, as I think that is a topic that is frowned upon for discussion and I don't really want to either. I was moreso just nitpicking about language conventions.)

Reading that made me think, which hurt my brain a little bit, but it made me think...

The definition being forced to do something sexual, against your will, without your consent. So, if a porn actress doesn't agree to let somebody cum in her mouth during a scene, yet, they do it anyway and make her do it, wouldn't that know?

I mean, if the shoe fits...right?

let me just say technically, yes. Legally, well that's a different story and it can be difficult to prove, which can be good and bad.

My understanding of how the porn industry works is that it's just like a regular movie and that it follows a script, as much for necessity of production as for that very reason we are talking about. So what I'm saying is that I think that a girl knows exactly what she's going to be doing upfront and all the way through. Plus it's not like a spontaneous thing, you know they stop shooting and reposition the camera, reposition the actors, etc.

maybe it happens, but I'd say it happens a lot less in porn than it does in "real life".
I just don't understand the degrading type of porn. I don't know...maybe you guys can call me a prude...but I hear about all of these rapes and attacks on women or people in general...being tortured, and degraded all because someone is just so beyond sexually perverse....and it makes me wonder if the porn is kind of feeding into someones addiction or motivation to commit heinous acts like this. Is this kind of porn making it more acceptable in the mind of a predator? Again, not trying to offend, just trying to understand how a guy can find this kind of thing arousing.

ps. I'm not against porn, I love porn, but usually the kind of porn that doesn't make me wince or think "oh god, her poor throat must be so raw". :p


Closed Account
i agree i don't any normal everyday women should never have too do any of the shit that i posted. too each his own but i have seen some of that shit and all i want to do is vomitt.
so if that get's them off more power too them but do see how in the hell anyone can.


like if i was in this type of porn i would be asking double if i was the chick un less you are one of those people that are sick and degrading
i saw these scene with tory lane and the guys were really mean to her was the site i don't remember well but that was by far the worst thing i ever saw in porn. tory was crying afterwards..fuckers

Thats exactly what I thought of when I saw the title of this thread. Although, I always thought that site was acted out.

A lot of girls cry with those guys.
I don't even know where to start....I think unless it's not normal porn as in like wierd shit. Then I consider that degrading.
i saw these scene with tory lane and the guys were really mean to her was the site i don't remember well but that was by far the worst thing i ever saw in porn. tory was crying afterwards..fuckers

Rape fantasy stuff is pretty digusting along with shit, piss and vomit.

I have to agree with both of these. Its a shame some girls let themselves be treated like they are in some of these videos and pictures. I dont understand why they even choose to be in them in the first place
Its all a matter of perception.

If I came here and announced that my best friend got chained to a bathtub, while being pissed on by one guy, throat fucked by another and had a fist up the ass, everyone here would be appalled. But if I THEN mentioned that she was doing it in a porno, everyone would be like "oh, well thats fine then". It seems that alot of people just deem certain acts fine for some human beings, but not others...whether the participants are "willing" or not. If I was willing to be raped on camera...doesn't make the act non degrading. Just means I for some reason am fine for allowing it to happen, and allowing it to be "normal" to the men watching...which is kind of sad. And makes me ask the question to those men who get aroused by the kind of "rape, poo, vomit, throat fucking" porn....if you were walking down the street and saw a man forcing a woman to endure those kind of things...would you be pained, or would you be tempted to whip out your dick and rub one out?

Just curious. Not trying to offend, just trying to understand how that kind of stuff can be seen as "normal" , not degrading and even arousing.

I totally agree with you there. I would not be tempted to whip out my dick and rub one out because I'm not an immoral person. What I said before above had some mistakes, I didn't realise. Just typed and left it and now I can't edit it. So I just find porn itself (this includes all the sick shit too)degrading cause I very much doubt that any of these women dreamt of becoming a pornstar for their job. I even find sex degrading unless it's between a married heterosexual couple who really love each other. That's my opinion.


Staff member
Max Hardcore is the worst, the you have the Rocco "Animal Trailer" series which are also not for the faint hearted and yes meatholes is also degrading women.
When the OP said "degrading", I'm guessing they meant degrading to the women (or actors) who act in them? Alot of the posts I've read up to this point in this thread seemed to discuss how disgusting scat films are. The main idea is that all scat films, shitting films are degrading to the actors who act in them. Period.


Closed Account
Sybille and Silvie Rauch doing each other as sisters must have been degrading. Sybille, I believe, ended up broken and depressed and has to work in an Austrian club as a prostitute.
It is pointless pointing out the Sasha Grey's of this industry. They are young, determined, and seemingly hell bent on destruction, physical and otherwise. Sasha even tried bitch slapping Bree Olsen. Bree is like, what? 20? It seems there are some super-intelligent or super crazy performers who push the boundaries, but not all of them can handle it. I guess if it is their "mission," then they choose this way of performing.
The thing is, it still is for a few wankers to get their rocks off on, basically, to call a spade a spade.
It is more degrading to me to watch someone go to the extreme. I'd rather not watch. In fact.........


Lost at Birth
i would think snuff films are degrading, or at the very least irrevocable. ;)

like a few posters have already said, "degrading" can be a relative term. what's degrading to one is not necessarily degrading to another. but there is a definite theme for some porn viewers that are geared towards degradation, while that may or may not be the case for the performer.

i worked as a bartender during my college days. the bar was in the tourist district, so a lot of out of towners, and seriously you'd be amazed at how many married women wanted to have one night stands while they were away from the hubby. some were just horny. but some wanted that feeling of risk, some wanted me cos i'm mixed race - i usually avoided them, and some said they wanted to be treated like a whore and used cos in thier mind it was degrading and that's what got them off, degradation but with consent. (cheating on thier husband, consumption of forbidden fruit ( I was young they were old), the thought of me having "my" way with them etc.... that's what got some of them to the big "O", the thought of being used/degraded.

the funny thing is, what they thought of degrading was rather tame....the big taboo for them was anal sex, slamming them hard, calling them a slut. that was about as hard as it got. i didnt feel degraded doing those things but did feel degraded when it'd slip out that they were getting off cos they were having sex with a mixed race and enjoyed the "perceived" degradation of it. i felt degraded in that instance cos of the perception of me, and since i'm not into it, i tried to avoid it. to each his own, i guess. there are people who get off completely on just the thought of themselves being degraded during sex, even though its consensual. if that's their thing then who am i to judge? (as long as its consensual between all parties involved) anyway thats my opinion, and well, its just an opinion, not law. (obligatory disclaimer clause)

since college, i've avoided married women altogether...especially my wife! j/k i'm single. holy crap, sorry for the wall of text! if i had this post enchanted with agility, i'd crit the next reader for 20k health! pure pwnage!! :fight:
It kinda depends. I do find lots of stuff degrading, but I cannot say for sure wether it is.

In my opinion some types of dirty talking already go too far, but the girl herself obviously doesn't have any problem with it and often even joins in. So is that degrading? I dunno.

IMHO the pornstars should be informed of what exactly they're getting into (if that doesn't already happen) & if they still sign the contract, then who are we to complain (as long as the company hiring the star lives up to it's word and doesn't break the contract by doing more than agreed to when the camera is rolling *cough* *cough* Max Hardcore for instance *cough*.

In my opinion something is degrading when the star is obviously uncomfortable with what's happening and I assume pornstars do read their contract before signing it. If pornstars sign a contract i can only assume they're ok with whatever is stated in it.

I personally prefer the softer stuff, so the companies taping this kind of porn certainly won't make money out of me, but that's an entirely different story.
50 years ago, "porn" itself was considered rather "degrading" and "unhealthy".

I laugh at the kids today who try to say "'xyz' is degrading" or "'abc' should not be allowed in porn because it demeans women" etc...

I'm especially fond of the folks who argue that porn 'denigrates and demeans women... treats them like objects'.... I wonder if these same folks ever considered the wage-gap between women and men for the same job?
I wonder if these same folks ever actually talked to a stripper/porn-star/escort and asked 'em their opinion?
MOST importantly, I wonder if the majority of the nay-sayers have invested any significant time in the "workings" of the "business"?

NOW, in my opinion as regarding "degrading porn".... :
* One man's food, is another man's poison.
* "Degrading" is a big, fat, undefined term that is subject to the whims and preferences of the folks using that term. (e.g.: Anal sex is degrading to some folk, but not to others etc.)
* I'd really like to know how many 'performers' were "forced" to perform against their will - especially in "degrading videos".

* I don't believe in 'forcing' performers to do acts/things against their preference/liking. "Different strokes, for different folks" - as long as the cast in the video are ok with that they have to do; who are you to judge?

- R.