i would think snuff films are degrading, or at the very least irrevocable.
like a few posters have already said, "degrading" can be a relative term. what's degrading to one is not necessarily degrading to another. but there is a definite theme for some porn viewers that are geared towards degradation, while that may or may not be the case for the performer.
i worked as a bartender during my college days. the bar was in the tourist district, so a lot of out of towners, and seriously you'd be amazed at how many married women wanted to have one night stands while they were away from the hubby. some were just horny. but some wanted that feeling of risk, some wanted me cos i'm mixed race - i usually avoided them, and some said they wanted to be treated like a whore and used cos in thier mind it was degrading and that's what got them off, degradation but with consent. (cheating on thier husband, consumption of forbidden fruit ( I was young they were old), the thought of me having "my" way with them etc.... that's what got some of them to the big "O", the thought of being used/degraded.
the funny thing is, what they thought of degrading was rather tame....the big taboo for them was anal sex, slamming them hard, calling them a slut. that was about as hard as it got. i didnt feel degraded doing those things but did feel degraded when it'd slip out that they were getting off cos they were having sex with a mixed race and enjoyed the "perceived" degradation of it. i felt degraded in that instance cos of the perception of me, and since i'm not into it, i tried to avoid it. to each his own, i guess. there are people who get off completely on just the thought of themselves being degraded during sex, even though its consensual. if that's their thing then who am i to judge? (as long as its consensual between all parties involved) anyway thats my opinion, and well, its just an opinion, not law. (obligatory disclaimer clause)
since college, i've avoided married women altogether...especially my wife! j/k i'm single. holy crap, sorry for the wall of text! if i had this post enchanted with agility, i'd crit the next reader for 20k health! pure pwnage!! :fight: