'Most Dangerous' Neighborhoods In US Ranked


Torn & Frayed.
1.Cincinnati, Ohio (Central Pky./Liberty St.)

Cincinnati,we're comin' for you...

5.Baltimore (North Ave./Belair Rd.)

Funny how the article didn't mention the state (Md).

J. Friday

That list is off. There's no mention of Gary, Indiana, Detroit, Newark, or any other places. It looks like there was an anti-Midwest bias in this report (particularly anti-Chicago).
^^^ Let's hope he stays banned. What a fucking prick! ^^^

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I still don't get how LA isnt on there.

More gangs than any city AND it leads the nation in shootings on police officers and high speed chases. Not to mention the LAPD, who are basically a gang themselves.
Remember these stats are based on FBI crime REPORT data. So the better the local police do their job and locals work with law enforcement, the more reports they will have. While I am not saying a neighborhood is "safe" because of the amount of crime reports they have, the fact that a neighborhood (based on census tract data) has many crime reports does not necessarily make it the most "unsafe".

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Mt. Elliot and Palmer Ave. is in the middle of a bad hood for sure, but I am skeptical of this list cuz its only naming an intersection of an area where the hood is bad, but not near the worst, is this list picking particular intersections where the police have been called to or gotten the most reports of violence, crime in the past?

Cuz I am gonna be honest I worked about two blocks from that location for awhile late @ night by myself going in and out of a warehouse driving a bobcat, YES I did have my gun with me, ILLEGALLY I might add @ that time, the gun was and is legal and was my own registered gun, but I shouldn'tve had wit me. but fuck dat, I'd rather better safe than dead ya know.

Anyways I do believe there are far more dangerous parts and places in Detroit alone, not too mention Michi-(gun) as a complete state. places like Brightmoor just pop into my mind.

the hood where Mt. Elliot and Palmer Ave is a very dangerous hood don't get me wrong, but it looks like Alice in Wonderland compared to this place like brightmoor I am referring too and parts of the city like it, Cuz they are like fuckin war zones. the brighmoor hood looks like a war or a tornado or some shit has come through it.

Mt. Elliot and Palmer Ave. don't have this visual intimidation like a war torn city block with burnt out shells of houses, abandoned burnt cars or shells of cars littering the streets, I mean if your in those area's you best be havin a gun wit ya cuz if not your a victim for real and I am not exagerating in the least bit.


Closed Account
Ok, I'll bite. Why, MP? :dunno:

That's what this poster typically thrives on. Usually attempts to hijack someones thread by making some provocative/nonsensical post & then disappear.

I don't remember seeing any New Orleans communities listed as it is usually one of the most violent cities in the US:dunno:


Staff member
where are the bronx, the watts, lansing, flint, fairfax and detroit?????
I wonder how dangerous these places in actuality are. It would be interesting how they stacked up with the rest of the world.

Heres a list of probably much more dangerous places in the world, from an account of an actual aid worker working/travelling to the locations.

Peshawar- Pakistan (north west frontier province)
...completely lawless area, controlled by tribal chiefs, drugs cartels etc. foreigners often viewed with suspicion and if naive can stay a lot longer than they had planned.

Harare- Zimbabwe
....white westerners arent the flavour of the decade in this city.

dili- east timor
...danger comes from the roaming street gangs, often unprovoked attacks/robberies

Phnom pehn- Cambodia
- robberies and muggings occur daily on the streets, soliders can be a handful should you be in the wrong area.

southern Thailand
....current uprising involving muslims, keep to the coast and you should be sweet.

Moscow- foreigners showcasing their goods are particularly vulnerable to violent muggings, not to mention the chances of a chechyan bombing

anyway in Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia, Mexico
....for obvious reasons.

Grozny, Chechnya.
...for obvious reasons, Chechen and Russians dont see eye to eye on certain things and occassionally have a war about it. Groszny was blown to hell in the first war then reblown further to hell in the latest war. People do survive here but only if you consider not being dead, surviving

Manilla- Philippines
.....dirt poor, even by african standards, obviously violent robberies are a problem, especially to a suave looking tourist

Port Moresby, PNG
....worst city in world to live in, roaming street gangs terrorise the inhabitants and tourists

Palm Island, Australia
...twice named by Guinness book or records as the worlds most violent place outside of a combat zone, and tourists arent looked upon favourably.

Belgrade- Serbia
.....we all no Serbs are quite crazy, much the same in anywhere eastern europe

Tirana- Albania
....particularly hazardous, a place where people like to relieve you of your belongings at any opportunity, dodgy police force

Jo'burg, South Africa
...every1 knows dangers associated this city, extremly high rates of murder etc

parts on India
....political violence in some cities, not to mention the country with the highest known amount of murders for 2005

Mogadishu- Somalia
....we have all seen black hawk down, sadly the situation in mogadishu is exactly like that. not to mention you can be invited to the beach for a stay if you happen to be cruising along the coast in a nice yacht. a completely lawless country

West Bank/Gaza Strip
...need i say more

Algiers- Algeria
....once rated the worlds most dangerous city, and good reason. althought it has cleaned up its act slightly in the past 5 years, murderous robberies and political violence is still common

Rangoon, burma
...government troops currently are waging a war against the ethnic minority. and they dont like toursits, avoid at all costs.

Uganda, sierra Leone, ivory coast, Nigeria, Congo, Rwanda, Angola, Sudan, Chad ,ethiopia can all be counted as dangerous, as with several other african countries.

Sao Paulo, Rio- Brazil
...already mentioned. dodgy police force, dodgy residents. robberies are common.

Colombo, Sri Lanka
...minority tamils and goverment loyalists almost in outright war, tourists kidnappings, surprise bombings etc
I remember during the early stage of the Iraq war a lot of politicians and others were complaining that it was "too dangerous." Then a similar list came out and the statistics showed that SE DC had a higher murder rate than Baghdad at the time.

Here's the real question: Why do we as Americans tolerate such violence in our country? Are we just not harsh enough with violent criminals?