QOTSA are not losers. And TheSpokenWheel is no troll.
I'd rep, but I can't. Also Honda, if you had any concept of common sense (I know, concepts are still new to you), you'd have seen the "^" at the beginning of my post. Now, here's where it's going to get a little hard for you to follow... The "^" or "arrow" means I'm pointing to the above post, where you can clearly see the video for "Sabotage" by the aforementioned Beastie Boys. Then I made something called a "contribution" (sound it out) to the thread in the form of QOTSA's excellent video for "3's and 7's". Not that you would know how to contribute something to a thread. It's pretty awesome when you try to get at me and only end of making a fool out of yourself, though. So that was pretty cool.