Most Beautiful (attractive) Female Face… Ever!

Most Beautiful Face Tournament - Selection Protocol (Revised)

No voting required. Winners will be determined based on data provided by the following 'babe rating' sites:

Use of sites:
- Head-to-head ratings comparisons
- Matches will be awarded to candidates with the higher posted rating on at least 2 of the above polling platforms

In the unlikely event of a tie, posted ratings from the above sites will be totaled for each contestant to determine the winner.
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True Amateur Models
Approved Content Owner
Name: Stefania from
Age: 28
Height: 5' 05
Pictures: 2,572 High-Resolution Pictures + More Coming!

My name is Stefania and I am 28 years old! I came into contact with a model photographer named Ray while I was out walking my dog around the neighborhood! I noticed this guy walking across the street and he commented on my dog. Ray seemed like a nice enough guy, so I enjoyed talking to him about my dog, as well as about his cats. Of course, the conversation quickly progressed from talking about animals to talking about spreading my ass and doing an amateur and homemade nude modeling shoot! I just figured, what the hell ...why not? I mean, I am happy with my body ....and it's not every day that someone gives me the opportunity to show if off naked on a nude modeling website! I have been approached before to dance in strip clubs, but I've just never been into that sort of stuff. However, amateur nude modeling seemed like it would be a lot of fun! Ray and I both live very near each other so I am sure that we will hook back up soon to do some more shooting soon! I hope that you all enjoy my amateur nude modeling pictures from ....and be sure to watch out for more of my modeling pictures coming soon!

Click the thumb below to go to the gallery! :)

photo above used from the gallery
Most Beautiful Face Tournament
Group 9
Match A

Liv Tyler


Nata Lee

In terms of relative facial attrativeness, do you agree or disagree with the ratings result?
Vote "Nata Lee" to confirm or "Liv Tyler" to overturn* the assessment.

* note: Ratings data shown above is based upon general attractiveness, not specific to a model's facial beauty.
Overturning the result (i.e., "suggested winner") requires a two-thirds (67%), or more, majority vote.

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Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
\jusy got off the phone with the wife

I think I'm supposed to say her.
I'll ask her if I'm supposed to say her. But i think she'll be mad that I even asked.


Light one for Me
This match has expired.
Ratings assessment has been upheld (i.e., overturn threshold was not met).
As such, Nata Lee hereby advances to the Semifinals round for Group 9.

Most Beautiful Face Tournament
Group 9
Match B

Natalia Andreeva (more pics)


Nicola Cavanis (more pics)

In terms of relative facial attrativeness, do you agree or disagree with the rating surveys?

Vote "Nicola Cavanis" to confirm or "Natalia Andreeva" to overturn the ratings assessment*.

* note: Ratings data shown may be based upon multiple factors not exclusive to model's facial beauty.
Overturning the "suggested winner" requires a two-thirds (67%), or more, majority vote.
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