More rights being violated.

Will E Worm

Boy punished for T-shirt with gun image.

The family of a middle school student who was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun has filed a federal freedom of speech lawsuit against the school district.

Detention for T-shirt

lawmaker wants scent-free schools.

A Minnesota lawmaker proposed a bill Monday urging a fragrance-free educational campaign to discourage students from dousing themselves in scents that aggravate classmates with asthma and other health problems.

Scent-free schools


what the fuck you lookin at?
nothing better to do than make up bullshit to punish people for
The shirt bears the image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket says "Volunteer Homeland Security." On the back, over another image of the weapon, are the words "Special issue Resident Lifetime License — United States Terrorist Hunting Permit — Permit No. 91101 — Gun Owner — No Bag Limit."

I think I might want one.

Too much scent (and too strong a scent) gives me a headache even sex doesn't cure.


Closed Account
Boy punished for T-shirt with gun image.

The family of a middle school student who was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun has filed a federal freedom of speech lawsuit against the school district.

Ok, getting a detention for a T-shirt is pretty bad...

But filing a law suit against the school is even worse IMO.
/\ most schools usually have some kind of a dress code.

besides that, with the advent of all the school shootings recently, and the fact that the schools usually get a spanking for not noticing/acting on certain signs, I think they'd rather be overzealous, ie safe, rather than sorry.
I don't know if the scent free school thing is a good idea. What's going to cover some of those kids' rancid BO now? :1orglaugh


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Ok, getting a detention for a T-shirt is pretty bad...

But filing a law suit against the school is even worse IMO.

Ya gotta fight back sometime, otherwise they're just gonna go all fascist. Well.. I mean moreso.

I don't know if the scent free school thing is a good idea. What's going to cover some of those kids' rancid BO now? :1orglaugh

They can imitate the french. From what I hear, high schools and middle schools absolutely reek of axe body spray because of idiot kids believing the idiot commercials. Bom chikka wah wah? Hardly.
Enough alfuckingready with the bullshit disciplinary sanctions in schools! They give a detention to this kid for wearing a picture of a gun, but they don't do anything to some fucking shit stain that threatens another kid in front of a teacher. What's wrong with that picture?


Closed Account
His rights were violated, his freedom of speech was violated, he had every right to sue his school.

Yeah, he does have the right to sue. It seems every day something petty happens to someone and they decide to sue. The world has gone law suit crazy.

It's just a detention. And I bet you my weeks wages that when the school told him they didn't like the T-shirt, he said "fuck off". That's probably why he got in trouble. But of course they wont mention that in court ;)
The sad part of all these bullshit "my rights were violated" claims is that the school probably has a dress code or dress policy and the student knowingly violated it. Schools should be able to make, implement, and enforce dress codes. Not because kids should be prudes or because I give a shit about someone's feelings being hurt. Its because all the ridiculous and laughable lawsuits that turn up because some spoiled silver spoon punk wants to cry about his "rights being violated."

The founding principles of any mature government of free people never intended freedom of speech to be applied to underage kids who want to wear whatever the hell they want to school. Freedom of speech was fought and died for so people didn't go to jail for standing up to oppressive governments, for example. Not so some punk 8th grader can wear a "Buck Fush" T-shirt.

Thats why strict dress codes should be enforced. To clear up the log jam of stupid lawsuits. (plus it wouldn't hurt to teach kids about the real world where most companies have some type of dress code policy).
You can argue whether its right or wrong but minors(children) do not have rights like adults do, especially when in school.Thats how schools can search their lockers anytime they like and have dress codes.Court after court has said they can can ban clothing they think is determental to creating an enviorment conducive to education or is a distraction or is offensive.


Closed Account
Dress codes in schools are as old as time. Like all rules though dress codes have thin lines. You shouldn't let one thing (gun pic) go by just because it represents a soldier serving. A gun is a gun and in my book a rule is a rule. Rules should NOT BE SPLIT with exceptions made. It leaves a bitter pill in the mouth of those left out for the doing same thing and sometimes even much less.

As for the scent thing. It should not be allowed in schools, work places, especially restaurants or any other places not open air. Did you know a waitress heavy in perfume opening your beer bottle will change the taste of your beer? Its a fact. ;)

Many people suffer asthma as well as other respiratory illnesses. I am allergic to many perfumes, cologne as well as all incense type stuff myself. A walk past Spencer's in the mall thats full of incense can give me a headache. Musky scents are the worst for me. Its a matter of being considerate, don't douse yourself. Children in school think body sprays are a 'the more the better' thing. Many children suffer asthma and it should be a rule as far as I'm concerned.

Rules/laws after all are for those that can't do the right thing on there own. Right? Without them the world would be in chaos all the time.

when I was in school a chum of mine was in trouble pretty much everyday for wearing a Pantera T-shirt featuring scantily clad women and pot leafs.

Of course, for a school project poster we worked on it featured 10% the actual content that it was supposed to and 90% naked women, jack daniels and weed images. We promptly recieved an F and the poster was thrown in the trash only to be recovered by us and discretely tacked up on the wall with all the legitmate entries, where it gained the notoriety of most of the class and remained for about a week before being discovered and finally disposed of by the teacher.

good times. or, I mean, LAW SUIT!
I don't see how his freedom of speech was violated at all.
It's a simple thing called Tact.
a keen sense of what is appropriate, tasteful

You wouldn't go to church with a porn t-shirt on would you?

Just a little thinking in the morning and everything will be okay.

Will E Worm

You wouldn't go to church with a porn t-shirt on would you?

Just a little thinking in the morning and everything will be okay.

So, when did school become like a church? :rolleyes:

The shirt was fine, the teacher just wanted to single out the student.
Next time maybe they will think twice.