more info?


I can't remember her name - most of her stuff was in print about 6 or 7 years ago. She had a very eastern euro name, but it escapes me..

I can see why you said Janet, Supahfonic, but the Janet has small nipples (quite small) and the ID girl has quite large ones. The ID girl also has a bit more sag than normal...

Try Jana, Yana, and all of the eastern types names and you may find her.... but she hasn't apparently worked in a long time!
BNF said:
Try Jana, Yana, and all of the eastern types names and you may find her.... but she hasn't apparently worked in a long time!

can't find her under jana or yana. thx anyway!
And what about any personal data of her? Entire info I could reach is she was born in Czech Rep. and that's it. Does anybody know anything about her?