More FCC, internet, government federal regulations talk

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted on Thursday to begin the formal process of bringing the Internet under greater federal control – a move sought by both President Barack Obama and FCC Chairnman Julius Genachowski--even though federal law calls for an Internet "unfettered by Federal or State regulation."

This step comes after the federal D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in April rebuked the FCC in its attempt to enforce a controversial regulatory doctrine called Net Neutrality, which would allow the government to prevent private Internet providers from deciding which applications to allow on their networks.

The court said that the FCC did not have the authority to prevent Comcast, specifically, from blocking certain peer-to-peer Web sites.

The FCC is now trying to reclassify the Internet to broaden its authority over the Web. Currently, the FCC only has “ancillary” authority, meaning it can regulate Internet access only in the process of regulating another service that it has direct authority over, such as television or cable.

The 3-2 party-line vote on Thursday at the FCC began the formal process of reclassifying the Internet as a telecommunications service instead of an information service – its current classification. This is necessary because, as an information service, the government has little power to regulate Internet networks.

As a telecommunications service, such as a telephone network, the Internet would fall under a much broader regulatory scope – giving the government the power to enforce universal service requirements, making them pay into a federal universal service fund used to provide communications services to poor areas.

What say you on internet regulations?


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Anytime the FCC is brought up I get apprehensive. I despise censorship.
Anytime the FCC is brought up I get apprehensive. I despise censorship.

I despise it to a point. I understand the need for some but in the end FCC is not a daycare center to keep little Johnny and little Julie protected from the big bad cold reality. If parents can sit their children down in front of the local news and watch about death after death, tragedy after tragedy, rape after rape, then they wince if a movie should show a guy's head being chopped off or something.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Anytime the FCC is brought up I get apprehensive. I despise censorship.

Same here. They censor the internet I'm gonna be fuckin pissed off and probably go on a killing spree. Leave my porn the fuck alone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow that article has everything upside down. Net Neutrality is designed to keep the Net as it is now: Neutral, fair and free. It’s the big Internet service providers that are against Net Neutrality because they want to be able to charge more for priority service to Internet sites. In other words some Internet surfers will have to wait until the favored few who pay the most get service. Corporations are always trying to get more customer money and doing away with Net Neutrality is what they came up with.

It’s the same old shit. They use Big Government Socialism as the bogey man to allow cowboy capitalist to reap big financial rewards in an unregulated market place. Let Keep the Internet free as it is now without the decimation of customers by the ISPs of the world. Treat every internet user the same by enforcing Net Neutrality.
Same here. They censor the internet I'm gonna be fuckin pissed off and probably go on a killing spree. Leave my porn the fuck alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overreact much? Japan has censorship and their porn industry is just fine!


:tongue: :1orglaugh
Nothing gets me hotter than multicolored flesh tiles over a vagina! :nanner:
Anytime the FCC is brought up I get apprehensive. I despise censorship.

I agree. Censorship is the first step to taking away our freedoms.

Also. Anyone who is a fan of One Piece is ok in my book
Wow that article has everything upside down. Net Neutrality is designed to keep the Net as it is now: Neutral, fair and free. It’s the big Internet service providers that are against Net Neutrality because they want to be able to charge more for priority service to Internet sites. In other words some Internet surfers will have to wait until the favored few who pay the most get service. Corporations are always trying to get more customer money and doing away with Net Neutrality is what they came up with.

It’s the same old shit. They use Big Government Socialism as the bogey man to allow cowboy capitalist to reap big financial rewards in an unregulated market place. Let Keep the Internet free as it is now without the decimation of customers by the ISPs of the world. Treat every internet user the same by enforcing Net Neutrality.

Censorship is a red herring. Here's a 2 part report by PBS on Net Neutralityand what's really going on here.

Net Neutrality – PBS

I don't think anybody here cares, YMI. :dunno:

They seem much more comfortable indulging their paranoia.


The government isn't going after porn. They are going after people who believe in free speech. It's part of the illumanti's plan. I had a hard time believing it a while ago, but now I'm convinced and this just convinced another million+ people.

Read this.
And if the harm is caused by an emergency order from the Feds, not only does the possibility of damages virtually disappear, but the US Treasury will even pick up the private company’s tab,” writes McCullagh.”

So we have to pay for the government to do this? For them to censor us? Sounds fair huh?